Howdy hello there. Prints are generally $10 USD each, and can be mailed for about $3 per order. Presumably I would cover shipping if you bought more than 2 for some reason. contact [email protected] if you wish. Additional time may be required for procurement of images not currently in stock. AND as of September 23 2021 I honestly have no idea what is in stock since it has been almost two years since I displayed prints anywhere. Good luck.
Dopo l'introduzione della moneta (...) unica, le banche europee erano state incoraggiate a considerare il mercato europeo come il loro mercato di riferimento,Burch Outlet, vi sono (...) state fusioni transnazionali che hanno fatto nascere
L TMA (...) utorit palestinese de (...) ve saper governare al servizio del popolo. Ma la situazione dei palestinesi non tollerabile e l TMAmerica non volger le spalle alle loro l (...) egittime aspirazioni. Dall TMalleato prediletto, Obama si aspetta la fine dell TMespansione: G
Jasper critique was timely. It is clear from the review that Evers was mainly concerned with the traditional focus of physiognomists, that is, the nature and character of the individual. Accordingly, he praised a book of portraits c
En rentrant de Moscou, et encore sous le choc de Quand passent les cigognes, il s'apprte à faire son service militaire. Grce à ce reportage tourné en Russ (...) ie, il rentre au service cinéma des armées, tourne d'abord comme caméraman d'actualités, puis comme metteur
She wante d to understand me and crack through (...) my walls. I wanted to figure her out. She was more emotional than I was. It's lucky I never started smoking, because I'm the kind of easily addicted, chronically obsessive person who wo (...) u