I always wished I had used more interesting characters for the one-off parts. Star-dope gets a pass for matching Megaman's positions, but in general I prefer the villains if I absolutely must take images from Stupid Mascot Games.
Awww, ban. I've switched computers twice since making this. Guess which of these three games I still have. If you said "Bravoman," you're either unfortunately correct, or a stoned hippie congratulating me for nothing (because you're stoned). But if you said no words at all, so as not to draw attention to the fact that you're looking at this, I'd say there might actually be hope for you.
It wasn't me! It was the no-armed man!
I sent this in around Octoberish 2001. I was surprised no one took issue with my use of a turbaned character. Personally, I've always loved turbans. I wish I had one. As a web page I saw years ago whose name I have forgotten once said: "towel turbans rule the school."
A minor problem I've always had with doing any amount of research is having to change my plans once actual knowledge has voided what I'd already come up with. This is a minor problem, as I almost never go and make those changes. See also:the page where I complained about Netscape
And could I have conceived of a worse possible way of using the one called Ken? Not only did I have him saying "bokka bokka bok," but I failed to use the sprite at right. Wuh? I downloaded one of the least functional emulators ever, and played one of the worst video games ever exclusively to get these, and hardly did a thing with them. Ehhh.
It's the equivelant of working at a museum, seeing MC Hammer, pointing to a display and saying "U can't touch this!"
Also, I'm always shocked at how much money people invest into stupid carnival games. If you ever see someone walking around with a giant ripoff merchandising character-resembling thing, chances are they either stole it or had to play twenty times to score enough points for it. I'm sure you could get some confused immigrants to make you a whole warehouse full for less money than that.
Why is the answer to that question always yes?
All the backgrounds I used for this group were a pain. Backgrounds are a pain anyway (until I started using PSP's layer feature... a week before I stopped making comics), but these were especially irritating. Also note: The King's Quest V talking owl is visible in the comic three spaces above this one. I didn't say that before because you weren't mature enough to handle it back then.
And it wouldn't hurt to grow some fingers.
I cannot fathom anyone actually asking to have their palm read. Except possibly someone gullible enough to be bothered by a negative report. The fortune teller series was not my best work.
Well worth the price, I'd say.
I never actually punched the monkey back in the day, so I have no idea how the asterisk might have attempted to justify the awful lie.
The similarly awful SNES and somewhat less awful Genesis Scooby-Doo games both had graphics plundered for my sick purposes. Who would've thought they'd both have carnival levels? Sadly, neither feature the Harlem Globetrotters. Also: the Genesis version has a mirror room that probably would have looked much than that Doom scene above which I spent all of five minutes seeking out.
Rocket Knight Adventures is
one of those games the game that I liked a lot more before I learned of it's fanfiction-esque needless asinine character backstory. And it doesn't even explain how Disproportionate Rat's tail continues to avoid getting itself incinerated.
Apparently I didn't learn my lesson just making passing reference to one of the worst running jokes to ever not involve any flash cartoons, as here I've actually gone and sought out a Ran sprite to use. If you're the same person who I was talking to before when I explained other stuff that anyone who's ever seen Bob and George would know, Ran's gimmick is dying. All the time. And coming back to life. Kind of like that orange-suited gremlin from the South Park show. No, wait, exactly like that. South Park, believe it or don't, I hated long before some attention starved-weirdo sent me this.
And Ran's supposed to be a communist. It's anyone's guess why I thought "heavens no" was a good line to use here.
The line "shocked" was not inspired by this, but, in fact, this. Right, so I'm a nerd either way, and have accomplished nothing by mentioning this.