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Topic: What proof have we that Moraff lives? (Read 62 times) |
YaBB Newbie

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What proof have we that Moraff lives?
« on: Apr 22nd, 2003, 9:39am » |
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I've only ever found two pictures of Moraff, one in which he has a mustache, and another in which he doesn't. In neither picture does he have legs. For a while, I could not be absolutely sure that the real Moraff had them or not. But it has since occured to me that I haven't even seen proof that Moraff is still alive, or even that he ever lived. I have come up with a theory regarding the person known as Moraff; let me know how close to the truth it is. I have deduced that the person who came to be called "Moraff" was actually a drifter named Greb Grebuglia who has hired by a software company to "be" Moraff to represent them, after one day realizing they had been calling themselves Moraffware for a few months despite the word "moraff" having no documented meaning. Someone had just gotten drunk one night and screamed it out for no apparent reason and it sounded good, even better so with "-ware" attached to it. It might as well be a person's name, they decided, while still drunk, naturally. So they dressed up Greb in some tacky suits and sent him along to all the shareware fondue parties to build publicity while at the same time knowing that they were in no danger of having their founder/president/god slain by a deranged game-player who couldn't get video mode A to work. Because MWare used to make violent games back then, and everyone knows that people who play violent video games are psychopathic lunatics. Nowadays, settled in with the "more stable" Mahjongg crowd, the company no longer has use for Greb, so back in 1997 they ground him up and fed him to the Shadow-Liberace, from whom they receive their orders.
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YaBB Junior Member
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Re: What proof have we that Moraff lives?
« Reply #1 on: Apr 26th, 2003, 2:13am » |
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Actually he does live....His first name is Steve. I don't know for sure, but I can sure bet that the Forum Admin is Mr. Moraff himself.
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YaBB Newbie

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Re: What proof have we that Moraff lives?
« Reply #2 on: Apr 28th, 2003, 11:13am » |
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Now, see here. I've followed the 'ware for over seven years, and even purchased something from them once, for some reason, and have seen no evidence that any person named Moraff, Steve or otherwise, was ever affiliated with the computer games which bear the name. Do I doubt that the forum's stripey-starred overlord is the one responsible for this mess? Not necessarily, not unless I decide I think it's you. I only claim that whoever it is cannot be Moraff. Because there is no Moraff. And there never was.
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YaBB Junior Member
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Re: What proof have we that Moraff lives?
« Reply #3 on: Apr 28th, 2003, 5:29pm » |
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A Conspiracy! Watch out, it might just be the CIA known as Moraff!
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YaBB Newbie

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Re: What proof have we that Moraff lives?
« Reply #5 on: Apr 29th, 2003, 9:47am » |
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Yes, I've seen that before. That could be anyone. And if I've been incorrect all along, and that is the mythical Moraff, I'm still suspicious. You'll notice the person has no visible legs. From my experience, I've found that people with no legs often turn out to either be physically disabled or robots/aliens.
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Re: What proof have we that Moraff lives?
« Reply #6 on: Apr 29th, 2003, 5:57pm » |
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You don't need legs to be a programmer! Maybe YOU are the alien
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YaBB Newbie

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Re: What proof have we that Moraff lives?
« Reply #7 on: Apr 30th, 2003, 11:52am » |
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If I am, it's not as if I'd admit it. Note that I'm not asking Moraff if Moraff's real or not. That would be silly.
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