What's here: Pretty much every console game animation frame I ever edited for the purposes of that which was on all the preceding pages except the one immediately before this, except those that I changed after inserting into a panel. What's missing are a whole bunch of disembodied hands and heads that in addition to being unnecesary, simply looked odd. What should be missing, if not all of it, are the "reference" pictures which I didn't touch, but this page has been here for about a year now so there's no point in dealing with that now. Additionally, none of the mirror-looking frames truly are. I always make everything shaded from the left. Because I have problems. I'm not going to attempt to justify it by saying I like to have light come from the right because it rhymes, unless you'd actually accept that as an excuse. In which case, yes, that's why. I don't think anyone ever noticed this ever, but with a few exceptions you'd see it to be true, if you ever looked at those comics again, which you shouldn't.
It's a mess. And it always has been. If I were to go and sort it out, into seperate files, then you know I'd just have to make comments on every individual thing, and I'm sure you've had more than your fill of that by now, so let's keep it like this, shall we?
I can't rightly recall why, but I wrote directly to a D-Light file someone else had assembled. Also: I had no idea how to go about that Dreidle-Man bit. This is one of the rare cases for me in which subtlety won out. Unfortunately, it only won by producing a firearm and demanding itself be declared the victor, waiting to put the gun away until the trophy had been engraved, so we're really not any better off than we would have been.
Surprisingly organized, but still a mess. That's the last of them. Let us never speak of this again.
Or maybe not.
Quite some time ago, maybe around 1997ish, I started collecting, in as inefficient a method as possible, sprites from the Goblins computer game series, and eventually began fiddling around with them. And then one day I accidentally deleted that. Around 2001 or 2, maybe, I started doing it again, for reasons unknown to anyone, including me. The fiddling this time was minimal, as by then I actually had other things to do. I stopped collecting abruptly when I was unable to get the first game, the only one whose CD still worked, to run under DOSBOX, and additionally unable to find a non-cd version which didn't have cheap 16 color graphics. The sprites are actually identical in both versions, but for some reason the dull backgrounds annoyed me enough to not wish to continue. I will again, probably, but I always stop within a few days when I realize anew the absense of any reason to be doing that.
Nonspecific 2008 addendum: Hey, I never did it again! Hooree!