Howdy hello there. Prints are generally $10 USD each, and can be mailed for about $3 per order. Presumably I would cover shipping if you bought more than 2 for some reason. contact ziv@bimshwel.com if you wish. Additional time may be required for procurement of images not currently in stock. AND as of September 23 2021 I honestly have no idea what is in stock since it has been almost two years since I displayed prints anywhere. Good luck.
Flush with Pride
So, I found a curious image of a piece of waste being flushed down the toilet lying around in the coffee shop the other day. I have no idea where it came from, but I thought perhaps you might want a copy of it for some reason. It seems like the sort of thing you'd enjoy.
- Karaboudjan Morrismorrow "Buckety" Gibdos III
That signature in the corner is probably unnecessary.