This is the comic I stole the Teknoh sprite out of. Very MS-Painty 128 increment colors. But they work, because of a complicated bit of sorcery called contrast. It's not unusual to see color combinations that resemble gradient fills if someone tries to make Megaman wearing anything other than a Megaman suit.
I didn't take any sprites out of this one. I just liked "dew dew dew dew."
Before we begin, understand that I'm not some "outsider" attempting to make fun of something that I merely don't understand. I was very much a part of this for a while, and still didn't understand it. The constant yearning for approval, the author pretensiousness, the names, great gimpity, the names. Just plain stupid names I can handle; I used AOL for around three years. It's the ones that have built-in descriptions that by their own choosing annoy me the most. Over a few sporadic forum visits, I have incurred the wrath attempts of a DanceyDanceGrover, a DarkKnightGoblez (yes, spelt like that), and a WhiteDragonNall. Maybe if I had registered as HamburgerThiefHamburglar they would have liked me better.
I can't remember who made this one. I can only recall that this is one of a few out of whoever-that-was's collection that approached coherence.
I'm stunned.
The only reason I can fathom celebrating your own fiftieth comic is that you don't plan to make 100. But this person did. So why? To horrify me? Why not? But I actually didn't save this because of how generally horrified I am by it. You see that brown rodent creature holding a spear-like object, nicknamed "tails" by others, for having two, but nicknamed "ears" by me, for having two. In the "badly drawn kirby" comic I mentioned on air fortress page, I depicted this one as living in a garbage can. Why, if they had the power, did Sega chose that to be their subliminal message?
But. That's small stuff. Here's what really damaged me.
That's right, it's Duggaden, the self-proclaimed funniest person in the universe. You may bow. Anez changed all the site graphics to have a different font at some point after this, in an unrelated story. OR IS IT?!
I had to flatten a lot of the colors in these because of all the nutty dithering, to decrease the filesize. By more than half. Since the goal of this page is not by any means to flatter them, this is a non-issue.
As I said, if there's one recurring consistency in Dogadon comics, it's that Dogadon thinks they're really funny. Which isn't a crime, but repeatedly saying so ought to be. Also, Dogadon has no idea what cross-eyed means.
I'm very intrigued by the Dogadon, because those were commonly referred to as the funniest of the fancomics, occasionally even by people other than Dogadon, and yet they do not contain one joke. Just 100% arbitrary non-sequitur randomness. Randomness, the proverbial "2 dolla ho" of comedy devices, is actually the name of another fansitecomic that appeared in my absence, but either none of them bothered me enough to save, or it was a "story" comic, in which case I probably didn't see it at all. I can't even take serious comics seriously when they have serious characters in them, so how is any drama performed by brightly colored zany robots going to move me? But what? OH WOW, IT'S THE 4327 BATTLE OF THE LENS FLARES! I'M SO GLAD I SPENT 3 HOURS DOWNLOADING YOUR 16 MILLION UNCOMPRESSED COLORS OF EXCITEMENT!
(Yikes, how many of these do I have?) I suppose you could say that Dogadon's red message box is being sarcastic, and that I, who be making this page, just can't comprehend the deep satire, but... I don't think you'll say that.
The eccentric dialog hints that perhaps I am judging too harshly, and take it too seriously, but it's just as possible that Dogadon has a very weak grasp on the English language.
"My glory." Right. But it's not that or the improperly ordered dialoguers in the fourth panel that this is here. For all I know that's just an homage to Pokey the frupping Penguin. Pokey the Penguin is like cocaine, in that no matter how much you enjoy it, if you're influenced by it at all, you can't help but become an unstoppable raging gnarlburger poncite. Right, so once Dave Anez realized that 90% of fancomics coming in were awful and insisted on getting individual one strip updates (the least I ever sent was five), he tried to find someone else to deal with them. One called "Robin" emerged to take command of the newly created Fansite. And for no reason, Robin invited anyone who dared visit Fansite to contribute to the theoretical mailbag. And Dogadon thrived.
But it was I who made that Gwaelin comment. I don't know why, but I did. I wish I hadn't, because then I wouldn't have saved this image, and would have had no reason to exhibit four dogadon comics on this page.
Perhaps you're thinking I think you are just jealous! Your last few comics were very Dogadony! May that be the only time I ever need to type that word. I can't believe you said that. But yes, they were. All the more reason to STOP and NEVER do it AGAIN. And this is over a few. Dopadon here, however, did a few... hundred, and for all I know is still at it.
And if someone starts out awful, chances are they will always be awful. Being the case in point, one day, when I must have been more bored than usual, I checked up to see if Life of Wily, one of the first Bob and George non-fan league rip-offs was still awful. Yes. If I recall correctly, it was a subdomain on some website for a Jesus magazine. You know, just in case you've been wondering what Jesus has been up to these days. Now, this meant one of two things: Jesus magazine "approved" of one James T Gorbo's comic enough to host its webspace, or that he ran the derped thing. Does running or reading a Jesus magazine automatically make someone a bad cartoonist? No, but I'm certain it helps. Guy Gilchrist, anyone? Even more boreder, I looked at the message board, because... it had one. Yikes. Straight down the listing, without fail, for every day of the month was "Today's comic: Funny? Not funny?" I desire acknowledgement and approval as well, but not every single frupping day. And it was clear that they weren't even telling the man. If they had, he either would have quit or gotten better. I'm sure of it.
Here's an interesting take on Mr. T sprites, because... well, I don't want to know why. It's a younger, pre A-Team Mr. T who enjoys dancing and wearing oversized pants. You know, this could easily be made into a pointy-booted MC Hammer. Kaosis Productions, you may recall, was the company responisible for such memorable smash hits as "Daddio" and "Aliens in the Family." I must give credit.
I'd rather look like Ronald McDonald than "Bat"thing here. Better to be a veritable mutant than an actual mutant, you know. Unless it's the kind that can make tornadoes and teleport. But I think this is the other kind. The kind that seriously believes it can be intimidating after playing through a Ronald McDonald game. I'm not going to cover up either URL. Go on, type one of them into your interneter. See what it gets you.
Oh, wow. I thought I'd lost this one. Really, I'd have gone out and watched Austin Powers 3 (after paying for and watching another movie, if no exployees tried to stop me) if I'd known about the face-attacking scene (I still wouldn't admit it, though). Deccus does the GIANT FONT legend one better by making every comic twice as big as anyone else's, at the largely unnecessary 1600x400. However, I'll try and keep my Deccus issues to a minimum, as I can tell an amount of work was put into making them look good, at least when the lights are on. Also, I must have sympathy for anyone with friends like "RueXZ." But that's the next page. Yes, there's another.
SUSPENSE! I swiped the Manuel picture from this one. Nothing else here of note, other than the cliffhanger ending.
You know, I did see The Ring, and The Ring didn't even make sense. Fortunately, not making sense is comedy gold out in those parts.
It sure is a good thing our Karnak explains every one of his references. Otherwise the classic "random celebrity head" humor device might have been too much subtlety for me. Bonus: I have no idea who either of those characters are supposed to be. It's possible they are introduced and explained, but more likely it's just more asinine chat-room cameos. Yes, they call that cameo. If stuff like this was on television (and smash my head with a Gallagher mallet the day it is), you'd see among the post-beginning-credits-credits "special appearances by MegaProtoYuGiOhMonX37 and DaggerTribal" displayed briefly at the bottom of the screen.
Whether you don't like them or do, you surely have noticed that the comics that annoy me the most are always really, really large. Karnac is a misunderstood genius (indeed, no one understands how he knows what's in those envelopes before he opens them), as unlike the previous two legends, there's not a whole lot I can do to make these things load faster, so I can't display and rage about nearly as many as I'd like. Oh? What's that? You have DSL, and wish I would shut up about file size? How about this, I don't, and I have to upload these at some point, and make it all fit within a set space limit. Oh? What's that? You didn't say anything at all? I'm talking to myself? Well, who else am I going to talk to? You? I can't if you don't say anything! So there.
I actually liked the comics made by this "Fishe Man" person, so I must be losing out to some kind of evil influence (likely the Karnak comic with a frupping Dogadon cameo), as fish are in that group with penguins as automatically funny words that really aren't all that funny. But how can I not love a line like "prepare to be overfed?" Especially after finding out this was the only one to receive a negative message board comment.
Yes, as it was then, every "official" fancomic (unlike in the beginning, you had to qualify to be a fan) was granted the privelege of not having to share a forum section with the complete refuse that is the fancomics section, and given space alongside the near complete refuse in the fansite section. There's a difference in there somewhere. Ehhh. Usually an "author" will start a topic for themself and reload it every three minutes in a stakeout for acknowledgement. But we've already been over that. I was not aware until I was almost ready to go, but at some point a foolish creature had started one for me.
Two things kept this from becoming a full disaster: I never sent in just one comic, and I could not, and would not be there to demand the one be nauseatingly overanalyzed. Still, people discussed me. Hmmm? Oh, I meant they disgust me. They discussed the comic in general (as best as I would let them). Me, I never let them know too much about. Ha ha. I wonder how those people would feel if they saw me totally selling them out here. Angered? Betrayed? Utterly indifferent? Common Sense places its bet on the third one. Fortunately, sensibility is an unknown and therefore not at all common concept in the Bob and George fan-universe, so no one notices when Common Sense doesn't pay up.
I think it's a gift to be able to color coordinate your clothing with your home. Especially when you dress like that. Ehhh. Around 2001 the person who made this and others like it was looking for backgrounds. A year later, he still hadn't found any, it seems. He had asked if I could recommend a website to get them from, but I did not know of one. I'm kind of glad I didn't. I'd resent my earlier comics a lot more if they all said RIPPED BY PSYGUY on them.
Okay. And this is relevant how? Once again, some self-absorbed delusional nutball attempts to intimidate everyone in particular. Hey, Evil Chick Bot (I don't even want to know) I have no idea what drove you to do this, and it's simply idiotic expecting me to, and I still wish I'd never heard of you.
Alright, alright. Let's assume for a moment this was called for, justified and necessary. What are the chances it still will be months, even weeks later? I believe that, more than anything else, possibly even the Disney Channel (possibly), irc chatting about Bob and George and it's subsidiaries will eventually make you stupid, in the off chance you weren't already.
And nothing says "hi! i conform with all predefined modern stereotypes of femininity and have no personality whatsoever" like a nickname containing "chick." Or perhaps I am confused, and it just indicates a great appreciation for Jack Chick. There's someone who'll have some scary fancomics.
Some being called Travis F Gorbo made a comic called Project Suck a while ago. And it did. (As a whole, anyway. I don't seem to have any of them archived) But since it's already called that, how can one hope to berate it? Good thinking, Travsie. It's like a prostitute named Slut (which coincidentally sounds similar). The damage has been done. At first, the Suck featured two alternatively hued Megamen not really discussing, more like mentioning all the cliches of the so-named rpg games they'd played. It was like a comic strip version of the seemingly defuncted Weird Things in Video Games, except it looked like it might potentially have been funny or made a point over time. Instead, it went "serious," which I steadfastily declare can never be done well, and started being hand-drawn, which I similarly declare probably won't be done well. What I mean is that it's really easy to draw Megaman. Hardly worth $15 to see on paper with a different haircut and paintjob. The only things easier are fortunately the only other sprite comic denizens likely to get themselves hand drawn. How does that last part pertain to what came before it?
And people will buy it. Some dork at a school I attended one day tried to sell photo-copied (and this was back in 1989, at a school, meaning 1979 technology at the latest, ie, unexplainable black lines all over the place) Ninja Turtle pictures his brother drew. And I, as in, me, bought one. However, I was seven years old. And those were one dollar.
So the going price for photoshop flames is $5. Or free if you
copy and paste them out of a picture that already has them.
Something else just occured to me: How is someone with as many hosting related issues as Dave Anez letting this sort of advertising get through without demanding a cut, when its essentially his visitors that are being targeted here? Especially when you consider that he can't even sell a Cafepress mug with his own logo on it. There must be more to this story that I'm missing. As always, don't tell me if you know.
I attempted to see how much of this was still around more recently, possibly to find some better (as in, worse) examples, and it just about broke my mind. There are as many fancomics as ever, if not more, every one of them certain of its own significance. Any bit of guilt I might have had for saying some of the things I've said here choked to death on its own vomit after my 8/2/03 forum visit. I want to move on. I want to never, ever go to again. If I drop this here, I won't be tempted to get involved with this wrongness again at my next scheduled moment of weakness.