Monthly Archives: August 2017

past your drecktime

This is not a remark on “quality” so much as deriding any one thing as being “commercial” within a culture where almost nobody cares about your creative work UNLESS it is commercial, and then we delude ourselves into believing that cashing in on commercial properties is NOT commercial.

Although if I have to explain my comics at all then that is my fault! The next one will be more obvious and conspicuously divisive.

sauce of trauma

They drew first ad, not me.
a rare attempt to depict a personal scenario using a figure with legs, primarily because I didn’t see how to make the usual creature vaguely resemble the first movie rambo. I do not know if it worked. I still mark this as “pathetic snake” since that is more about mindset than physical form
a not terribly long but still too long old website post about it.