10/13/2024 Monkiwi pox not nearly as long a website entry as this topic probably requires for me to stop thinking about it in the immediately foreseeable future
09/07/2024 Ophidian outburst I am being informed now that the snake is fine. You know the old saying, sticks and stones may break my bones but words will make me dwell at length and periodically explode comically, but I worry this might still worry my mother if she saw it.
08/02/2024 The strawman that broke the colubrid’s feedback another website entry but plainly i was worn out from the repetition of this subject matter and wrote little
02/10/2024 deplore-averse dumb fact: some dork on kewy farms saw this comic, didn’t understand it, and was SO INFURIATED by my existence that months later it and a gang of its aliases tried to taunt and slander me with the stated intent of me killing myself over THAT. because as crazy/brainwashed as floraverse fans are, the people who USED TO BE floraverse fans and now instead obsess over anyone talking about it are worse. Given the circumstances of the matter I believe I am justified in remarking on that series of occurrences when I see things which remind me of it.