01/21/2021 message from clod there are some characters out there apparently this never got to the regular website
09/11/2020 logo to extreme click for needlessly larger image because “Don’t Worry Be Crappy” seemed crude also let me know if it doesn’t show up; apparently i never uploaded the full size on my own site and just went to the newgrounds version, and i am now attempting to display it directly here.
06/04/2020 Eye twitness news a rough summary of my twittor experience from the week before this was posted. There was a website called “Twitter” back then, hence the title!
01/09/2020 who’s got the trash laugh now fiddle dumpkin i summed up my last six months, possibly years, of written posts in four pictures an attempt to express frustration that may not actually make sense in the manner that I have attempted it
12/20/2019 o c sleazy some people have it all figured out free artworse is the comic strip being alluded to in the second frame, i believe.
11/21/2019 fishy account activity I have had a bunch of experiences as a buyer that I was not at all satisfied with. Nothing that I waited longer than six months for, if I got it at all, seemed like it had any positive energy in it or my interests in mind, and they often treated me like I hadn’t paid until I pointed out the exact date when I did. I have been ripped off as a seller but only once, so far. I IMAGINE that I had enough clues there that I should have seen it coming, but preventing a second time would be the real test i suppose. I have also known people who charged up front and got stuck for years trying to pay refunds on money they already spent for art they couldn’t make, though obviously that is not the perspective of the scene illustrated here. this also varies slightly from the version I originally put on websites; I updated it for others but not this one, as at that time I thought the original version was funnier but worried it seemed less fair. At this point I have less of an opinion on it but I used this one since I already uploaded it before remembering that there was a different version.
08/16/2017 past your drecktime This is not a remark on “quality” so much as deriding any one thing as being “commercial” within a culture where almost nobody cares about your creative work UNLESS it is commercial, and then we delude ourselves into believing that cashing in on commercial properties is NOT commercial. Although if I have to explain my comics at all then that is my fault! The next one will be more obvious and conspicuously divisive.
09/26/2016 stop and wish you were dead I was worried about seeing this one again, but it isn’t that bad. Before Trump was presumed to have any chance of actually winning the election he was easy to see as a joke generally harmless outside the vicinity of any business he was associated with. Stop and Frisk was, is, a notorious policy from some police departments in which enforcers were encouraged to conduct random embarrassing searches on pedestrians based on approximately whatever they felt like. As is generally the case with bad policies, it disproportionately targets ethnic minorities, and is disproportionately favored by ethnic non-minorities. Trump made a public statement in favor of it which must have been widely broadcast because I based these drawngs on screenshots from it. also around the same time was a low budget video game full of characters wearing ugly striped shirts that I was seeing tiring, uninspired fan-wankery about, and I unwittingly learned that the pink and blue-shirted character was named or had been dubbed by fans as “Frisk,” and I thought the juxtaposition with Trump’s remark was comical in the context of him being someone who would never have any senior government position through which to implement or encourage implementation of such a policy.