fishy account activity

I have had a bunch of experiences as a buyer that I was not at all satisfied with. Nothing that I waited longer than six months for, if I got it at all, seemed like it had any positive energy in it or my interests in mind, and they often treated me like I hadn’t paid until I pointed out the exact date when I did. I have been ripped off as a seller but only once, so far. I IMAGINE that I had enough clues there that I should have seen it coming, but preventing a second time would be the real test i suppose.

I have also known people who charged up front and got stuck for years trying to pay refunds on money they already spent for art they couldn’t make, though obviously that is not the perspective of the scene illustrated here.
this also varies slightly from the version I originally put on websites; I updated it for others but not this one, as at that time I thought the original version was funnier but worried it seemed less fair. At this point I have less of an opinion on it but I used this one since I already uploaded it before remembering that there was a different version.

old habits die hard

the first panel without the “argue” text” should have been sufficient but if I don’t dump out every bit of dialog that comes to me I risk returning to the topic again and the sooner I finish with them, the faster I forget them!

I thought I could save time but not obsessing over the visuals, since this is stupid anyway, but it still ended up taking days, even unfussed. Or actually it took a year since it is based on opposing, non-acknowledging trash-content site posts which I saw last year, in search of what I cannot remember. People can find ways to be authoritative, elitist and condemnatory about any topic. Really the first box without the “argue” statement would have sufficed.

no need to check the original website post but it does state that I need to make a website section just for these secondary comic strips, even though I am only just sorting that out almost exactly four years later.

as of December 23 2022 I still have not seen the media pieces alluded to

site whygration fool

one of these days I’ll get it. I wonder if the orange snake-thing ever will.

hey this hasn’t happened in years, I have to lock a post because I keep getting email about dumb robots replying to it. I don’t even remember how to do that!

ouij just can’t lose

a revisit to a post from last year that gained me much friendship and recognition for my ideas.

I don’t necessarily even have a problem with furry green orko, aesthetic-wise, compared to the stripe-shirt-kid extravablandza of a few years ago but I sure have seen it many more times than i need or want to. As these things generally go.

then the next year there was a white-haired version and I still see that periodically in 2022, but have a bigger aesthetic issue with some of its associated figures, yet thankfully no inclination to make a comic strip about that.

crapic novel

that orange creature should look for a different club

I drew this to amuse myself and acknowledge it may have minimal validity.

usually I write the words first and draw it much later/never, but this one came out like so. It was funny to me because it is so visceral and hateful, and a product of the moment which inspired it, and I had to finish it as soon as possible. Alas, the finished one looks calculated and like it should make more sense than it does!

The “crap”‘s visual representation was fine to have all black, but in color I don’t want to give it anything specific. It is supposed to be a very vague “crap.” So someone might think “is that supposed to be literal excrement? i do not know.” I will not draw literal excrement, but am comfortable vaguely implying it in a non-final version, hoping I will come up with a better solution later. Had I taken more time to think about this I likely would have exorcised the word “crap” as well. Any word I will only type in quotation marks is one that will get neutered out with enough revisions. So plainly there is more to my lack of success than not meeting a “crap” quota, which the followup strip touches on (with gloves). I of course already drew it, like this, but will not show it until I have ruined it with several more hours of refinement.

son of a niche

I think this was the only time I gave the pathetic snake a serpently body with a snoutless face.
possibly exaggerated a tad. i swear it made sense before i drew the pictures.
loads of text about this one
for cripes bipes I canNOT get this text size bigger whatever numbers in styles.css that I bloat up. in fact nothing seems to be changing. what a rubbish waste of time. I hope I am not editing the wrong one.
oh nope all the text that was big enough got bigger. tricky!

the grapes of asp

I initially titled it “the grapes of rasp,” not realizing that “rasp” was not actually a snake, but merely the name of a snake-headed rulon crony in Dinoriders, and also the name of a robot I and Jerry Caro came up with in first grade that we imagined traveled around stealing chocolate brownies while saying “RASP…RASP…RASP…” Rasp as in “I have you in my rasp” instead of grasp because kids are dumb. Then (now (in august 2017)) I remembered that “asp” was a snake, and it seemed odd that asp and rasp would be near synonyms. This is a pointless bit of trivia. There is a more poignant bit of trivia about this comic page that also concerns chocolate, but it is depressing and I will defer it to a future posting, which means I will probably never post it, which theoretically suits me, who can only survive by not being aware of things I know that bother me.
as of december 21 2022 I don’t remember what that last part was referring to, other than that on the occasion that inspired this I was actually buying discounted easter candy, but looked up what else dogs were allergic to and found grapes, because I didn’t like how buying a big sack of discounted candy for, myself, primarily, as an adult reflected on my personal habits. And then the car wouldn’t start because I left the headlights on while shopping, since the car turns the lights on by itself without asking and does not turn them off, and its battery was old.
OH I was referring to this

Ouija scorned

The last four days have been such a mess that I feel like I made this a year ago, but I vaguely recall it having a point when I started.

past your drecktime

This is not a remark on “quality” so much as deriding any one thing as being “commercial” within a culture where almost nobody cares about your creative work UNLESS it is commercial, and then we delude ourselves into believing that cashing in on commercial properties is NOT commercial.

Although if I have to explain my comics at all then that is my fault! The next one will be more obvious and conspicuously divisive.

sauce of trauma

They drew first ad, not me.
a rare attempt to depict a personal scenario using a figure with legs, primarily because I didn’t see how to make the usual creature vaguely resemble the first movie rambo. I do not know if it worked. I still mark this as “pathetic snake” since that is more about mindset than physical form
a not terribly long but still too long old website post about it.

the raining pain stays mainly the same

Instigated by a specific image in this same format I saw a few days earlier and not necessarily coherent out of context. That one was about “super hero movies” but the low effort and high resqueeb count were what bothered me. the second slide said “make it stop,” but the pathetic snake knows that nothing it hates will ever stop. It doesn’t really own a gun, however.
and here five years later I don’t disown the sentiment –I see more non-joke non-effort garfield content than ever, for example– apart from putting “bimshwel” on it like I thought anyone would share it out of context