07/07/2022 artspite I am uncertain this expresses the precise sentiment that I intend it to but surely it expresses something. artists several steps up the social fire-escape from myself who use artfight just to get fanart that they have no intention of “revenge”ing upon can’t effectively go in the same strip by someone who writes as many words as I do and that sort is represented in plenty of whatever these things are already “fortunately.”
05/03/2022 may the fourth please cut that out this might be a tad exaggerated. I worry that I ruin these sort of editorial “comic strips” sometimes by trying to have them make sense so this is fairly similar to the initial concept, but there are other ways I can also ruin them.
12/10/2021 the customer is always gaslit it’s the chimerican way I of course spent even more time than that making this context-free, one sided representation of the situation but the value of my own time was never brought into the matter!
05/20/2021 exzaxperation pertinent web site entry apparently I never uploaded this to any apart from my own! quite a change from now in 2025 when we tend to get something last or left out entirely
05/11/2021 the sound of serpents brief website entry now i need to obsessive-compulsively add these links to all of them?