I don’t fare well in tense situations. However, I have fared well in situations related to tense. In the future as well I believe that I will. Or so I thought. I recently came across a conundrum which created a crisis of confidence.
When was this place open? Or rather, these places? When were they open? Which point in the past does their “now” refer to? Were they open when they began work on the sign, but aware that they’d be closed by the time it was on display? I feel so inferior not knowing.
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Garfield and Friends sez:
I suspect it may rather be lamenting the fact that the opening has not yet occurred. “Ah, were [Superior Exchange] now open!”
Jumbi sez:
The grammar abilities of today’s society are lamentable, really. Eventually, though, I think they’ll end up with like ten lawn mowers and a sign that says “SUPERIOR EXHANGE: EN”.
Yamamanama sez:
There’s a sign that says something about condo’s (sic) near my house.
Kesglarbix sez:
Garfield/friends of Garfield:
That may well be the case. I do think that’s a rather over-dramatic tone to take. Rather then targeting my emotions, I think the exchangers would do better to simply inform me of the next time their operation is doing business.
That’s in New Haven… there are certainly a couple of local Madison lawn mowers I’d gladly give to them in exchange for alphabetic trinkets, even if my lack of superiority meant I was economically losing out on the deal.
Of course! The missing piece! It all makes sense, now. If only our well meaning signsmiths could meet…
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