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Questionable artwork and pedantic miscellany
June 25, 2024
Dakota was one in a pair of twins who were groomed to be socialites, but rebelled by leaving home and becoming electricians.

lerd again, this time to amend its aggressive motions.
oh boats; my most recent edits to angle 2 fixed some unusual erratic movements but I realized afterward that i was meant to leave those movements in place and just draw them better, to imitate the lunge of angle 3. whoopth. i may have to put them in as they are and see which looks less awkward to decide which to change to match the other. or just leave them alone since nobody who isn’t me could possibly care.
i like blue electricity better but i do not want to use the same palette section as the tail segment, EVEN though I will probably need that split off into separate object(s) like with the move around frames. I would prefer to set all color changes on the main object (the lerd’s body) since additional objects created by it (such as its projectiles and its trail of body parts) can inherit its color swap settings, and thus i will only need to designate one color change for each base lerd type. I need at least two lerd types; one that crawls on land and one that hides underwater and jumps out like a seaworld captive to throw abuse and then promptly resubmerges. And later a third that, more like a Hexen stoker,

never leaves liquid and uses a more powerful attack that also doesn’t, since I presently don’t know a way to have a creature check what sort of floor it is on before attacking, but i CAN set a creature to not leave the floor it is on. It is probably possible to issue a floor-check command but it isn’t necessarily necessary that I know how to do that at this juncture since I don’t even have the main two that I DO know how to make implemented yet. And then like with the jumping fyip I will probably come up with a buggy half functional way of doing it, then ask for help on the zdoom forum and get an embarrassingly more efficient way that actually works explained to me by someone else, assuming north america hasn’t melted into the sea by the time I get around to that.

historically it has been able to launch two wimpy projectiles from its hands on that “ball” frame. It would also, and still does, throw a single larger shot when it crosses the arms. throwing magic out of your hands or mouth is not original, but from head protrusions is less common. i decided thus that i should have the twin shots launch directly from the electric appendages (using additional frames that are yet less complete than these) rather than the hands. Arms needing to cross in order to launch a blast is also unusual so I kept that. it is still dumb old doom engine which is inherently limited to stuff that has since been done in thousands of other games but i aim to do my best with the fate i have set for me. even if it kills me, though i won’t know if it has done that until probably right before it does.

also i call the hexen stalkers “stoker” after how kan naito pronounces “land stalker,” because I think dumb things are funny. and more recently after how the 1999 playstation port of final fantasy 5 supposedly refers to the wendigo monster, because this wiki proclaiming that fails to explain that stoker means stalker, not wendigo, since the later localizers opted to change the name entirely rather than correct the silly romanization of the original name that was simply a Japanification of an english word.

but admittedly it is easy, 25 years later, to look back and say OBVIOUSLY this naked blue horned steroid man with a club is too busy jumping stupidly and tickling his arms to waste time wendigoing about stoking, and I envy the optimistic ignorance of those days somewhat.

June 20, 2024
However, resistance fighters Rebel Rouge and Renegade Knucks arrive and rescue him and Nine, but are prevented from leaving by Rusty Rose and were also in a brawling with a large sum of bots but were saved by Sonic flimsy knocking a activated laser gun off balance.

of course he was. they didn’t have cars back then.

but in all seriousness you’re telling me this guy doesn’t take guns on film sets seriously?

I think I made this “joke” a long time ago but I can’t find evidence. I realized I should do it here because just as many people care about my non-drawings here as on twitter but at least I can locate these later and don’t risk alienating people who might want to not pay me to draw embarrassing animal people cartoon drawings later.

instead I found this older gripe about people jumping on the opportunity to mock the topic not because an innocent person was killed due to the negligence and possible arrogance of multiple parties but because the actor involved made fun of their favorite treasonous rapist felon amidst a totally different project. Surprisingly none of them came looking for me (as we have established that this post is findable) to say “What about crooked Shillary Clinton? What about Bengazi? What about Ben gay grooming Our Kids? What ever happened to the other four Ben Folds Five? Think about it.”

and it reminded me that I have a reason to not like matthew broderick apart from my simply not liking him. Not that the killing was deliberate but it was negligent and he never did anything to raise awareness about shoddy driving and presumably never shared any of the millions of dollars he has accrued for being non-lethally-insufferable with the people he affected with the shoddiness of his driving. And indeed Baldwin has inexplicably continued to get hired for non-job jobs since he accidentally man-slaughtered a woman. Gosh consider that he should have already been in prison just for letting Boss Baby happen.

June 13, 2024
When Armored Fiend was named “RedGiant” in its original appearance on SNES, the Giant Soldier enemies had no relation to the series’s Iron Giants. However the Advance release introduced the standard Iron Giant as a blue Giant Soldier, thus retroactively making the Armored Fiend a true red Iron Giant.

page 3-“54” now of the bimshwellian comic strip.
most of june twelfth was spent adding in pog and yibrick to the frames where I had not yet determined what they were doing. I thought about kumquat trying to shove yibrick in where the dope was and yibrick objecting but it did not work with any of the views of kumquat already there. this backup strategy does make me consider that yibrick’s “hair” was added primarily as a thing by which to grasp the ball-like creaturoid.

this page shows the back door, which is why the colors are different. i have done a horrible job keeping up with my various changes to location designs since I often draw something with a plan the first time, put more thought into it the second time, forget about it, and then look up the first version as a reference when I draw it a third time. at that point I may have been sick of my past self and decided to simply show another side of the building that I could not contradict a previous edition of.
the characters are more important, so naturally i spend even less time designing those.

June 4, 2024
Splatrick is a slime found behind the Green Teleportal. He is a slime who is hated by the other slimes because he doesn’t hate humans.

june 13: I should have another comic page update at some point this day. it has a lot of stuff wrong with it and i should have prepared something else instead of thinking I could get it out yesterday. fortunately I do this for free and nobody except me looks at it until I announce it elsewhere so failing my imaginary deadline also does not matter to anyone except me. What is your problem(s), me?

page 3-pre-65
of the bimshwellian comic strip
i forgot that i wrote this before posting the most recent page. it needs to occur at some point prior to that. There is also another to be displayed immediately after this one but evidently not to be finished immediately after and thus it is not here and there is for now a gap in the revised numbering.
i additionally need to do something about the gorf gnome pages ago reporting the location’s address as “dumpling and drab,” as that would seem to indicate a place on a corner, which this structure is not, and already was not before I wrote that. the building’s name could be “dumpling and drab” but if i am going to name buildings i might possibly be able to think of a better one than that. But I also thought the same about the possibility of naming me the humanoid mutant “bimshwel” after this website url and so put off doing that for years and eventually went with bimshwel anyway. The important thing is that Richard Krippendreyfuss is no longer at the top of this page.

June 3, 2024
Kenny, a British-born Indian, is transferred to Mumbai to work in an Indian call center. Hilarity ensues. Check out ITV for more info on the sitcom.

Richard Dreyfuss did some stupid garbage recently that received publicity and outrage.
does nobody involved remember or care that Richard Dreyfuss starred in the Disney-financed/distributed Krippendorf’s Tribe in 1998?

OR that this was the poster image? Dreyfuss was an embarrassing corny old man even then, at the rumored age of 51 years. He can only be more embarrassing, corny and old by now. I sure am. I derisively labeled persons whom I considered to have low quality opinions and tastes as “krippendorf”s for years and then seemed to forget to do it.

Plainly I need to do more of that.
i have another comic page nearly ready but i would rather post this first and that tomorrow and not have nearly naked megasquatting richard dreyfuss at the top of my page for a week, however likely someone else provided a body and Drey’s head was pasted on to that one. Mercifully even right now the legs get cropped out at my present screen resolution and interface-zoom level.
We can’t even blame France for Krippendorf’s Tribe like with 1997’s Jungle 2 Jungle. ALSO produced and distributed by Disney, and not even pretending to be Touchstone Pictures. Fiddle dee doodle. Richard Dreyfuss did not appear in Jungle 2 Jungle but he DID star in and executive produce Mad Dog Time, the only movie that Siskel And Ebert collectively determined was was than Little Indian, Big City the english-dubbed French movie that Jungle 2 Jungle is a remake of, in 1996. However they also like a lot of movies that I think are awful and I have more of a problem with bad movies when crtics think the movies are good, and thus this dilutes my complaints about Richard Dreyfuss appearing in movies that paid, quoted critics don’t like. How dare they agree with me! I hope they die.

Nobody I know has a website anymore

Mr. Sr. Mxy
Gilhodes (bah you need a facebook account to see)
video game music database
pacific novelty
Green Lantern Head Trauma

i warned you about this
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