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Questionable artwork and pedantic miscellany
July 28, 2024
If Ria is decapitated when killed, she will respawn without a head. Also if she is currently following the Dragonborn and they fast travel, upon arrival her head will fall off and her body continues to follow them.

this is not quite the game of thrones followup that I was expecting

July 24, 2024
In the shooter scenes, the player rides a pink friend as he makes his way through the scene.

just to be clear, I am not advocating for androids to hit people over the heads with wooden wile e coyote signs

one of the recurring complaints that I received about this was that the ridiculous things I made the character say were TOO ridiculous, since nobody actually said them and thus the argument is invalid. Consequently I produced an an alternate version.

Surprisingly this did not change anyone’s mind. I guarantee you any public figure consistently photographed wearing a cowboy hat believes one or all of these, and Trump himself either does also or doesn’t care if he enables and empowers someone who does.

the second could be better, but it was foremost a work of spite and that was supposed to be obvious from the low effort level, though still substantially more effort than the meme gifs with which people who had nothing to say tried to argue against it. The third frame refers to a number of killings that were justified after the fact by claiming that the people shot had mental illness, were on drugs or were criminals and thus are better off dead, the best known of which is the Kyle Rittenhouse matter. But I actually forgive him because he was 17 years old at the time and was plainly trusting in very bad people. He shot one person who attacked him BECAUSE HE HAD A GUN. After that occurred, two more attacked him, one with a skateboard, and they also got shot to death. The third had his own smaller gun, which also had no business being there. Was HE planning to shoot someone BEFORE he saw someone with a bigger gun? Impossible to know. So it is a complicated issue, but the PERCEPTION of this is that Kyle bravely fought for freedom and gunned down a mob of pedophiles, which isn’t what happened and isn’t what ever will happen outside of Deadpool 2 (which I didn’t particularly enjoy but that is unrelated), and they let their belief in this absurdity flavor their view of the world, which doesn’t help ANYONE. Leftists (as I have been called for posting comic strips like this) don’t help by presenting the House of the Ritten as a deliberately acting white supremacist T800 either, but as unfortunate as that is it stops short of endorsing more gun violence.

stupid arguments led to the creation of a THIRD strip but since it actually has new drawings I should probably try and pass that off as next week’s update instead of forcing it into this one. I am also tired after foolishly responding to no less than thirteen comments from the same guy who seems to have only seen that troublesome third frame, even after I discovered that he spent several WEEKS, maybe years, arguing that She-Ra looked too much like a man in some dumb cartoon.

The people who want to argue with me about this literally having nothing better to do or aspire to do. I ought to at least act like I do.

July 18, 2024
In the winter of 1963, Mr. Clean played a police officer “Grimefighter” who arrested dirt problems.

whewish! It sure is good to know that no police were injured when they casually executed someone for being homeless, owning a knife and acknowledging their presence while pope fascist, o he of the bandaged ear, was in town.

people have been threatened, banned from websites and terminated from their jobs already for making light of the trump shooting, largely by self-described advocates of “free speech” who openly endorse the murder of immigrants, and probably homeless people also, if not through bullets than through public policy that deliberately harms them. It is socially acceptable to joke about Trump dying but it has to be from natural circumstances like choking on a pretzel or getting shot accidentally by the vice president while hunting for tiny little birds.

I personally favor him getting hit in the head by an errant golf ball or suffering an allergic reaction to the peanut butter he gets rolled in every morning. It is very hard to blame that on “The Left” except as a description of a relative point in space and frame Trump’s receipt in a heroic light. That won’t kill the willfully stupid movement that he appropriated into his political viability but no one in his sycophant army has successfully made such a lifestyle out of overtly avoiding accountability. Some of have tried, and a bunch of them were eventually sent to prison or placed under court orders. People are willing to believe that God personally intervened and stopped Trump from getting killed. They wouldn’t believe that about friggin Giuliani. For “his” part God apparently didn’t care if innocent audience members got killed or injured, nor was willing to suggest to the assailant to NOT buy a gun, climb on a roof and fire into a crowded venue, or maybe even just transform the gun into pudding. Believing in divine intervention, this or any time, only makes sense if you believe that God is an erratic spiteful jerk, which admittedly is consistent with scripture, but if that is the case God doesn’t care about your devotion either and will gladly throw a tornado at you just because he came in under budget this quarter and needed to spend the surplus to avoid cuts.

an alternative suggestion: God exists, and he’s American. And blue and naked.

and we all know how that turns out. Thankfully HBO’s newer management doesn’t like cartoons and will not be making a television series following up on this.

I thought I was done but the creepy oddly-shaded weird-eyed trump picture kept reminding me of someone and I couldn’t quite determine who. I now think it might be the character Colossus from Goblins 3 who manages to knock himself out by sneezing so hard he hits his head on what I always in the past interpreted to be his boots but I think now is meant to be the metallic control-box beside his hammock. I made this terrible gif out of screenshots I took 14 years ago, presumably knowing I would eventually find a weird public event to display them in the context of. I presume Colossus survives but if Trump sneezed so hard that he passed out repeatedly that might prevent him from issuing regressive policies. Much has been made of the vengeance Trump has vowed to issue in a second term, but he also said he would “drain the swamp” and get Mexico to pay for the wall meant to block itself in, and neither of those happened. Really, nobody knows what he will do. He doesn’t even know. Maybe he will build a wall around the swamp.

July 11, 2024
I go “Whoa!” Homer goes “D’oh!” Now you can’t go to the boat show

captain dope deserves only your scorn and derision! it is NOT a real captain!

unless if by “married” you mean “infuriatingly smiled at for an indefinite period” captain dope has no power, much less authority to assist you.

exclusively for the purpose of annoying me, nemitz replaced the bottom of this boat with a screen door and then rowed unwelcomely toward me while smiling.
as to HOW nemitz replaced the bottom of that boat with a screen door, which surely should be beyond mitz capabilities, I know not, but I do know that were it a useful thing to do nemitz could not have done it. when nemitz is around stupid things just HAPPEN.
including captain dope. I had hoped to never see captain dope ever again. Perhaps there is still time not to.

just two days ago i noticed the furnace in the basement here said “granby” on it, which reminded me that nemitz once said “eestgranby” and that I even called mit out on the deed.
the very idea, the absolute audacity, for it to even be plausible that nemitz would DARE declare “eestgranby” in my presence is itself unforgivable.
potentially but not necessarily forgivable, me attempting to integrate leaf shadows for the first time ever across the front of snikpel (angry creature at fore of boat) several minutes before posting this.

why would you name your steel tank company after a nemitz quote unless you were producing military grade tanks because you wanted to remind yourself to shoot nemitz with them?

July 3, 2024
This is one time when Trump’s natural inclination to be blunt would be better served to be Blount.

you will absolutely need to click through to the larger version to have any hope of reading the text on this

this is not remotely finished but I am uncertain of the internet situation at the place(s) where vestigial family obligations intend to hold me hostage for the next ten days and I thought this was important. I will replace this with a more legible version if opportunity thinks that is necessary. in reality I and the shirtler did not speak, i never found out what it said and I am not actually a snake. however I was able to find the full text from 500 different vendors, which states “If you don’t like Trump then you probably will not like me either, and i am okay with that,” which I think encapsulates the nihilistic spite of the american spirit appropriately for independunce day. the land where so many are ready to pay for the right to tell strangers “i want you, whom i haven’t even met and may not meet and in fact cannot confirm exist, to NOT like me” that there is a wide-ranging market specifically for it. Alas I could not find the specific variant of ugly corona beer velcro sandals, so perhaps I was looking at vintage collector’s items, the mark of a true enthusiasthole.

no i do not reckon i am getting much work done at this 19th century fischer priƒe pretend desk. I should think it nice to have something resembling a desk at all, a rarity on these trips, but since there is just one bathroom for all four people and it connects to this room this is unlikely to be an efficient room even with a work surface not made for and by elves. the chair TOUCHES the desk.

Nobody I know has a website anymore

Mr. Sr. Mxy
Gilhodes (bah you need a facebook account to see)
video game music database
pacific novelty
Green Lantern Head Trauma

i warned you about this
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