Pofe, I thought Monday was the day, not Sunday. Sunday makes more sense. Ehhh I have something up here but I suspect I should read it again after sleeping, and before any other hypothetical person might have had the opportunity.
The world lost a true video game legend from the old days on Sunday… Rest in peace, Joe Q*Bert. Like his ancestors he will be entombed in a brightly colored isometric pyramid. Those wishing to pay their respects are asked to hop on it.
I have no idea where this fringo character’s bumpkin accent comes from, since i have not shown anybody else to talk like that (although I occasionally fill space with a pumpkin). Stereotype characters come pre-equipped with matching dialects I suppose. I should probably have somebody say “fringo” at some point to make it clear that this creature has a name and that it is that. Apart from “nemitz,” I rarely think to use anyone’s name.
Speaking of that, as evidently we must, nemitz has -NO BUSINESS- >LECTURING< **ANYBODY** on the topic of etiquette. nemitz is an ignorant, ignorant imp. As for elpse, it clearly thinks it is the falco of imps. Those two both need to go. Slapping seems to be the dominant fight currency round these parts
I did something peculiar with the drawings this time. Due to the peculiar circumstances of last week I can’t tell if this was faster or was not. It certainly does not look any better and may be lacking in aesthetic purity compared to my past techniquoids. Yet I must try it again for the sake of consistency because this is half a page, even though that distinction is meaningless on the internet.
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Tablecloth sez:
Fringo’s wearing a jacket with a large image of Fringo on it with the word “Fringo” written above makes it fairly clear that Fringo is called Fringo, I think, without the a forced verbal rendering of the name.
It is further worth noting that this is the first time I truly became cognizant of the form of Fringo’s nose. It is a subtly disturbing nose. I was rather taken off guard by its mild but unexpected prehensile qualities.
I’m not sure whether Elpse’s hand is melting in the last panel or whether biv simply punched Fringo’s cake, but the effect, in either case, is even more disturbing than snake-like schnozzes.
Also, Fringo should further be made aware that peppermint candies make for poor seats.
PurpleSpace sez:
No one but Elpse is allowed to misuse Nemitz!
Rororivis sez:
space: elpse is a major proponent of intellectual property re: nemitz treatment
cloth: I was so preoccupied with deciding whether or not elpse should see its hand melting that I forgot how convenient the cake’s presence would be for creating ambiguity with which to defer my decision until later.
I got annoyed with constantly checking with that other page from two years ago to see how Fringo was “supposed” to look before remembering that the original version was based on minimal thought and was much easier and so I gave up thinking about the matter, resulting in a variety of shapes and sizes. It is at least consistent with the backdrops for the characters to be inconsistent.
Gnome people have traditionally had poor judgment. How can they justify allowing Face to take over the Nick Jr. programming block on their watch?