June 4, 2024
june 13: I should have another comic page update at some point this day. it has a lot of stuff wrong with it and i should have prepared something else instead of thinking I could get it out yesterday. fortunately I do this for free and nobody except me looks at it until I announce it elsewhere so failing my imaginary deadline also does not matter to anyone except me. What is your problem(s), me?
page 3-pre-65 of the bimshwellian comic strip
i forgot that i wrote this before posting the most recent page. it needs to occur at some point prior to that. There is also another to be displayed immediately after this one but evidently not to be finished immediately after and thus it is not here and there is for now a gap in the revised numbering.
i additionally need to do something about the gorf gnome pages ago reporting the location’s address as “dumpling and drab,” as that would seem to indicate a place on a corner, which this structure is not, and already was not before I wrote that. the building’s name could be “dumpling and drab” but if i am going to name buildings i might possibly be able to think of a better one than that. But I also thought the same about the possibility of naming me the humanoid mutant “bimshwel” after this website url and so put off doing that for years and eventually went with bimshwel anyway. The important thing is that Richard Krippendreyfuss is no longer at the top of this page.
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