October 6, 2024
I suspect i used that “title” line already but if I did it was before 2006 and who cares if I don’t?
flopping lerd. compare to
the old version from 2003 that I only drew quickly from the front and never gave further thought to.
for as big a time destroyer as this was, i rather like some of the results, including the facing away angle (the lower right sequence here), which i almost never like. Its arms seem to diminish at the end since wide “corpses” never work very well, especially ones that spin as you move around them.
hopefully the hardest step of this deceptively difficult to draw monster is concluded with these. obviously I will still touch it up at length after separating it into separate pieces for each angle and will probably have to separate the bodies from the tails again, and an additional frame between the first and second ones may need to be created, but unless I have forgotten something, which I quite well have, this is the hardest part of the most complicated legacy monster redraw sequence concluded. I still have yet to redraw any of the “spof” monster because I never definitively concluded what it should look like rather than nemitz, but its own defeat merely involves it falling over sideways. its gruesome “explode” destruction is more complicated but i spared myself from multi-angling any monster explode or melt animations so far, so my obsessive compulsion will likely not force me to think I have to start then, if I even think that monster is necessary.
it occurred to me that dopes, meant to be the primary figures, do not have any non-melt, non-explode decimations, nor do fopes or yiths, and I do not at present think they need any. Why did I think this thing did?
also I seem not to have designated a website entry about the fope melting or apparently anything do to with fope but it does melt.
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Anonymous sez:
I had a dream where I was at a convention and you had a booth there and I approached you and asked you to draw something there on the spot and then you got really angry at me and told me to never talk to you again
Frimpinheap sez:
You need to understand how much time, money and stress went into preparing for and getting myself into that dream