Somehow every night this week I have not been able to “wake up” for an extra two hours beyond what is considered the usual. Productivity is challenged, but I still hope to get the next installment of stupid comics done before the year ends. Also, CLUMPD RUMF WUB DOP DOP DOP DOP DOP D’DOP D’DOP D’DOP D’DOP…
I have just spilled water on my “desk” after viewing a particularly rambunctious choke-slam on a television program which shall remain unnamed. This could set things back a bit.
Oh doe, now the oven’s on fire!
Gaaak! My home has been burgledlarized!
Gideon Yago! Now someone’s picked up rocks off the ground, stuffed them into little bags and tried to sell them to me!
By the wheels on the bus! Someone gave Frank Caliendo his own TV show! Whatever shall I do! Besides “watch it,” I mean.
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