The newer Fantastic Four movie, one of innumerable sequels and at least three action-type movies this Sumzer with an unidentified thing from space as a major plot point, is released across United Amelica today. It will be a time of encounters with surfers which affect our molecules and cause us to temporarily switch powers. (noise)
Note that iGN’s branding of a clip it did not produce neither prevented me from viewing the clip on another site nor inspired me to visit the logo’s place of origin.
On the level of science I’m not meant to question as explained quite easily by nameless dope in the preview, this is still below the robot airplane from Stealth that gets struck by lightning and turns evil. (also noise) I realize that superheroes, by their very nature, are no less plausible than the possibility that something might cause them to suddenly switch their magic skills and be otherwise unaffected. But it does bother me that to them, there is adequate logic at work for some dork to anticipate spontaneous power transfer just by caressing a microscope, explain it off to molecules, be right, and I’m not supposed to laugh until some angsty whiny guy who looks just as much like Ben Stiller turns orange and says “COME OOOOWWAN!.”
At least they don’t have to wear differently colored shirts to be told apart now.
And not that it’s relevant to why I do not want to see this (I simply do not), but I don’t understand how the X-Mens are mutants but the Four Fantastics are normal.
I don’t think that parenthetical remark stressed enough my indifference toward this movie. Yet I’m too indifferent to try much harder. I cannot bring myself to have even all that strong of a spiteful interest in it. The four are so uninteresting that they don’t even have secret identities. Everyone knows that Thing’s name is Ben and that one of the thin guys is named Reed.
Oh, and why is this the rise of the Silver Surfer? I don’t have a very high tolerance threshold for 1970s American comics, so I can’t rightly dispute the merit of the character, but it looks like the doof actually falls to earth from elsewhere. But this and this has to use words like rise because it thinks it’s so epic. Maybe it’s more epic than Epic Movie, but my allergic reaction to dairy products is more epic than Epic Movie. You know what else rises? Bread dough, a formula from which has been derived some of our most reputable frozen pizza crusts. The undoubtedly ridiculous budget would have been better directed toward a film called Fantastic Flour. Ha ha bah.
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diabinese online sez:
I’ve just been staying at home waiting for something to happen. I just don’t have much to say right now, but so it goes. I’ve basically been doing nothing to speak of, but shrug. Today was a loss. I don’t care. That’s how it is.
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Well that’s pathetic. You might as well hang yourself with a weight-machine pulley.
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I’ve basically been doing nothing worth mentioning. Today was a total loss. That’s how it is. Today was a loss. Basically nothing seems important, but eh. My mind is like an empty room. Basically nothing notable happening these days. My life’s been completely boring today.
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Not much on my mind recently. Basically nothing seems important. So it goes. Today was a complete loss.
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I haven’t been up to anything. That’s how it is. Not much on my mind right now. I can’t be bothered with anything recently, not that it matters. It’s not important.
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So shut up, then.
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Gay couples should be, should not be allowed to marry
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I agree halfheartedly.
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I feel like a fog, not that it matters. I’ve pretty much been doing nothing , but eh. Today was a loss. I haven’t gotten much done for a while.
Farnswallow Uplevitch sez:
You realize I change all your links so they don’t work, right?
zoe met art sez:
More or less nothing seems important. I’ve just been letting everything happen without me recently. I can’t be bothered with anything recently, but such is life. My life’s been generally bland today. Not much on my mind these days, but eh.
Farnswallow Uplevitch sez:
You’re pathetic. When are you going to get your act together? Things aren’t going to change on their own. Aside from your links, which I will continue to alter to inoperable status until I get sick of doing so.
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I can’t be bothered with anything recently. I’ve just been sitting around doing nothing. Today was a loss. I just don’t have much to say. Nothing seems worth thinking about.
Farnswallow Uplevitch sez:
Is it possible that you always leaving comments here saying what a loser you are is keeping you from going out and doing something un-loserlike?
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I haven’t been up to much recently, but whatever. I just don’t have much to say lately. Basically nothing happening to speak of. So it goes. My mind is like a complete blank. Such is life.
Farnswallow Uplevitch sez:
I really don’t like you.
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Live with your lover before getting married
Farnswallow Uplevitch sez:
Is that a concealed confession? Are you trying to express dissatisfaction with the marriage you just thoughtlessly stumbled into? Well, that’s really not my problem. You should consult a professional therapist. Preferably one who’s looking to buy a vinyl tote bag, rent a boat and drink beer out of an hourglass.
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My life’s been bland. I’ve basically been doing nothing to speak of, but what can I say? Not that it matters. Eh. Such is life.
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Help the homeless down the street and persuade them to look for work
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I grandi vecchi delle dittature mondiali si spengono. Fidel ? grave e ieri ? morto Pinochet, ironia della sorte nella
Sandra sez:
My life’s been basically bland recently. I can’t be bothered with anything recently. Pretty much nothing seems important. I’ve basically been doing nothing worth mentioning.