Much like last month, I soon will go somewhere that I need to prepare for and am horrible at preparing for. As far as I know I have no such place to travel to next month, which means I will be very unprepared.
Evidently Stop & Shop has further to go on its journey to not be Brand X than I thought. This doesn’t even come with RIP.
I say, what a GYP. Gyp, incidentally, I was surprised to learn does not have its origin in racism or prejudice.
The Guaranteed Value squad I thought for certain would win the blandness war. It found a way to make carrots less exciting. Isn’t it kind of neat that they come from the GROUND, growing out of a tiny little SEED? It would be if it didn’t take months to happen. Yef, that’s right, I’m on to you, CARROTs. Somebody finally had the courage to stand up to root vegetables. I know you’re in this with the beets. Soon I shall send my champions to destroy your stronghold.
We really are in trouble, aren’t we.
I thought this entry was longer than this. Whoopth. Does anyone have suggestions for lengthening it?
Nobody? Goodnight, then.
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An expendable person sez:
Once I was pendable…but no more.
Umpulurgit sez:
Similarly, my public reaction to your arrival had been pending, but by now it has given that up.