Is that a hastily assembled content divider or is there a ghost writing this website now?
page 40 of this. could it be? More space trouble? (yes) This has been up for a few days but I kept forgetting to say so. And eventually I stopped doing that.
Show me a comic that changes styles more often… well often’s not the proper word since I don’t update often, but show me a comic that changes styles more times within a short span of strips and I probably won’t look at it because I’m too jealous and egotistical to read anyone else’s comics unless I think they like mine first. Why did I even bring this up?
I brightened the character colors and restrained myself from overshading with the pen, but this still didn’t get done very fast. Also, I never liked the way the last page looked until I saw it above this one. However, hey nobody fell down on this page. No “people,” anyhow, assuming these degenerates count as that, which I actually don’t.
RSS feed for comments, for they hunger.
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A chrome dome sez:
There does indeed appear to be somewhat of a space problem in those later panels. My recommendation is to get rid of the dope. Not merely from those panels, mind, but altogether. While you’re at it, you should probably consider getting rid of all other dopes, as well. This would help solve many other space problems, as well as a great deal of the world’s other problems.
Once upon a time there was a full-page McDonald’s ad featuring a collection of new vocabulary (which, despite presumably being composed by a human adult, was allegedly meant to be understood only by children, and “maybe chimps and apes”, the latter of course being avid readers of McDonald’s ads) for concepts which hitherto lacked their own designation. One of these was “gerk”, which, oddly enough, referred to a footnote (or, as the ad called it “the little text at the bottom of the page which nobody ever reads”), despite this already having a fairly well-known name, namely “footnote” (but perhaps the author had in the past simply neglected to read a footnote which would have supplied them with such information). This association has stayed with me ever since.
Frubaklop sez:
If I could get rid of all dopes, don’t you think I would have by now? Just what are you meaning to imply with this?
The gerk here does appear beneath the words it is responding to and in slightly smaller letters.
A manganese dome sez:
“Just what are you meaning to imply with this?”
GOTTA get them dopes!
Frubaklop sez:
Google seems to think otherwise.
A golden arch sez:
Google just wants us to set more realistic goals, start out taking things one dope at a time, so we don’t get overwhelmed. It’s not an unreasonable suggestion.