If you’re going to try and be fancy by purchasing stained-glass-ish lampshades, the ones with clowns on them might not be your best bet. Especially clowns who, judging from the cartoon stench lines, have no respect for the sterility of an eating environment. And this was no accident. That’s one proud clown, quite regardless of the fact that even the most noble clown has nothing to be proud of. I’d close the window blinds if I had any idea how they worked. The blinds on the wall can be left as they are.
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Pinski sez:
That parking lot displeases me.
Eels Macinstrudel sez:
I reckon it displeases a lot of people if I judge it entirely by how many vehicles are resting in it. Although with just as many clowns leering out as in, it’s hard for me to blame the lot itself.
Yamamanama sez:
I blame the clown as well.
Eels Macinstrudel sez:
There really is no excuse for its reprehensible behavior.