October 19, 2016
page 18 of part 3 of the bimshwellian comicoid. This sure took long enough to get to, and finally resolves a matter that has been up in the air for too long. And now I must go back to the past to rework old pages because it was my intent last year to have the second small book version complete within this year. I have within this year tended to a number of long postponed matters, and ordinarily would consider that justification for postponing a less postponed project, but I actually printed inside the first book that the next one was “Available 2016″ so that makes it closer to law. Even though I added *hopefully” afterward. Hopefully does not mean “no self-imposed psychological consequences for failure!”
8 Responses
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Indighost sez:
Just wanted to let you know that your comic and gunnerkrigg.com are the only ones I enjoy on the internet, and both because I cannot understand them and keep trying to.
Frimpinheap sez:
Thank you! I keep trying to make it understandable.
On this page the lizard has been struck by the bubble alarm returning to its point of departure. Elpse has then had a moment to regain consciousness and question the lizard’s activities. The lizard, seemingly confused, questions elpse’s questioning.
Indighost sez:
but why is the hat evil????
Frimpinheap sez:
Perhaps it is jealous, or it wants privacy. I do not know if it is evil, but it may be lacking in morals since it has very little social contact with others. Do you think having it acting with intent to murder does damage overall to the situation I had established for it up to this point? Since I am able to show it doing this with the knowledge that elpse is not going to die here from that, in fact having written plenty more later scenes for elpse before I thought to insert this one, I might not approach it the same way a viewer might.
charmlatan sez:
Gosh golly, it looks like blood is dripping out of elpse’s throat! Perhaps it’s just harmless neck droplets.
It seems like hat is more vicious then I initially thought. I wonder if hat is lope’s way to handle its more meaner feelings and fantasies, as its day to day life is often full of demeaning situations (the therapy and medication taking, the package delivery, etc.), but now it’s run amok and taken a life of its own.
Frimpinheap sez:
I hope to clarify some of these points in the near future! I do wonder if I have made a mistake taking this path but I appreciate that you are still interested and not totally put off by it.
Charmlatan sez:
I keep the ‘Robbery’ scene along with the monologue in it in mind. Hat is an entity with questionable morals which can make one prone to criminal intentions and other seedy actions.
Happy Halloween!
Frimpinheap sez:
It may claim that it is only looking out for the best interests of its host.