bow and arrogance
A rather large (230×230) pixel commission for Egger Righteous of a creature who believes that archery is not challenging enough.
(I also forgot to draw anything holding the quiver in place, don’t tell)
The last time I posted an unusual animated gif I made for somebody other than me, I mentioned that I appreciated the variety, ended up going on about how if I post too many drawings that are similar, people who are sexually aroused by it assume I also am and talk to me in an unpleasant manner and possibly send me pictures of themselves unprompted. I want to avoid doing that again because shortly afterward that specific person sent me MORE creepy pictures of himself or or somebody unprompted, and if I keep going I will actually show one and I don’t want to do that. It isn’t explicit but it is ugly and I do not want it on my page.
in fact I did not even want that person’s icon in my telegram lump so I added a bunch of fake drafts to other people I was NOT sending messages to just to scroll it out of view. I of course cannot remove the person completely since telegram deletes your message history if you remove contacts and I need evidence of the full story in case I am murdered and do not want to actually LOOK at that evidence for the purposes of making copies at this time.
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This here`s me trackback!
Lord Whoever, ruler of Barely Anything sez:
Irregular to practice, utilizing expressed disgust or disapproval, followed by the act of banishing would be perhaps more expedient to employ.
Frimpinheap sez:
I am unable to determine what you are talking about at this time.
The Meaning sez:
Just some out loud thoughts about dealing with the situation, in the boring and obvious way. Telling the person something like “Allright, Pal! You have proved more than enought times that you are disgusting and unpleasant. Go away!”.
Heapinfrimp sez:
It was your grammar which was unclear. “Irregular to practice, utilizing expressed disgust or disapproval” seemed like it was missing a crucial verb. I did tell the person not to send me more pictures, yes. But he has his own unique interpretations about any thing I say.
Grammar sez:
That was my fault.