November 1, 2023
november 8 updeet: another wordy site entry is coming, which means it is late
generally I am disinterested in decorating but halloween suits the awkward old toys that tend to accumulate here fairly well.
There were also some proper decorations but I did not take any decent pictures of those.
however I have a shot of this rotting pumpkin that my niece carved or assisted in carving. she had kicked it off the front steps to get rid of it on account of its recent mold harboring but I thought that made it eligible for an upgrade to the front of the walkway.
the kermit is debatably creepier without the mask but that would not fit on most of the display candidates
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it which kindly observes sez:
Ahoy there! This one doesn’t partake in Halloween, but sometimes enjoys seeing what others make of or around it.
> Is that Link the very one who was revulsed or taken aback by (memory check) peanut butter in a past photo?
[in jest] That skirted bat-bear (hand puppet?) may be a parody a twisted evolution of your art. In a cursed realm, the lack of pants could eventually yield invisible legs!
>> I find that door shark immensely charming. Is there some story behind its acquisition, and do you or any of your living mates often interact with it?
That pumpkin’s mold goatee is most becoming. This one takes some comfort in the fact that fungi so readily use foods that humans don’t eat or use artistically. They take many artistic forms, and I sometimes like to watch their progression (and the state of a host fruit) over time.
Thanks for sharing some of your abode and continuing to post.
Frimpinheap sez:
I do not remember a link with peanut butter but it was most surely this one.
the hanging bear and the one looking through a window are both “snuggle” bears from the 1986 design. the outfit was given as a gift to my niece a long time ago. she quickly was too big for that but it fit the medium-sized bear oddly well, apart from making its legs seem invisible. Unlike link there are a bunch of snuggles. one large, two mediums, three smalls, plus an additional small one in the 1997 design which had belonged to my younger sister and looks unsettlingly out of place beside the others.
There IS a puppet variant but I never had one of those. I had a few of the extra small 1986 snuggles but those always escaped.
the shark puppet was procured by my father at some point in the late 1980s, It’s label indicates “UNITED AMERICAN NATURE CO.-©1986.” I do not remember more about its origin. It has not seen as much recent local usage as the snuggles or the kermit.
I am not fond of mold but I can believe it has the potential for good.
thank you for looking!