captain dope deserves only your scorn and derision! it is NOT a real captain!
unless if by “married” you mean “infuriatingly smiled at for an indefinite period” captain dope has no power, much less authority to assist you.
exclusively for the purpose of annoying me, nemitz replaced the bottom of this boat with a screen door and then rowed unwelcomely toward me while smiling.
as to HOW nemitz replaced the bottom of that boat with a screen door, which surely should be beyond mitz capabilities, I know not, but I do know that were it a useful thing to do nemitz could not have done it. when nemitz is around stupid things just HAPPEN.
including captain dope. I had hoped to never see captain dope ever again. Perhaps there is still time not to.
just two days ago i noticed the furnace in the basement here said “granby” on it, which reminded me that nemitz once said “eestgranby” and that I even called mit out on the deed.
the very idea, the absolute audacity, for it to even be plausible that nemitz would DARE declare “eestgranby” in my presence is itself unforgivable.
potentially but not necessarily forgivable, me attempting to integrate leaf shadows for the first time ever across the front of snikpel (angry creature at fore of boat) several minutes before posting this.
why would you name your steel tank company after a nemitz quote unless you were producing military grade tanks because you wanted to remind yourself to shoot nemitz with them?
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Vector sez:
Hello! This is off topic, but I want to let you know that I admire your enduring dedication to this neat little website!
In an age when the Internet seems to be comprised of nothing but a few boring and increasingly more AI generated coporate websites, this is a delight to see still being online and active.
Frimpinheap sez:
thank you for appreciating this! the presence of new entries is mostly the consequence of obsessive compulsion, since making new ones of any substance seems to tire me out more than it used to (though i have as much that I want to say as ever), but the old pieces are important to me, and occasionally a new one gets forced out that retroactively feels like it was worth the trouble. other websites are not set up to display things the way I want and I cannot trust them to stay where I put them either.
Sneecha Creecha sez:
That is CLEARLY a weed filter, nice try Canada
Frimpinheap sez:
it might be reacting to the shoddily drawn plants I added to the illustration late in the process. I think a nemitz filter would be more beneficial, however.
Creecha Sneecha sez:
Mitz filter would taste like really overcooked beans
Frimpinheap sez:
You are not supposed to eat it! Just be aware of it so you do not make the same mistake in the future.