August 1, 2015
This year’s hope is coming picture.
Tracey Sullivan, the race-runner, opted for a less chaotic setup that better reflects what the money actually goes to: holistic treatments for hospital patients. The hoofed creature here is applying some manner of hand-wavy therapy called Reiki and not in fact contemplating strangling the reptile. I added the dorks behind the trees without asking or being asked to just to make it amusing for myself.
Due to cost matters, the color total was reduced. Since idiots are cheap I was able to keep them all in there.
This was the first sketch. It had, to me all the important elements: the number of years we had been doing it and something bad about to happen. I may miss the point of “hope.” Also of Roman numerals because before I sent it I wondered why I had written eight instead of seven and erased one of the columns, and after sending it realized I had in fact written seven the first time, and that is now said six, and drew the last column back in. And then I told this story and realized it made more sense if I erased the column anew.
It was at this point that Tracey asked me if I could draw someone in a hospital bed receiving reiki.
It was a good question!
I looked up pictures of “reiki” on the internet, and mostly found mildly abstract pictures of hands with explody light coming out, so it seemed reasonable to assume that it was a destructive and chaotic force. However, in the end I was asked to use my upper left design, where nothing was happening! The bottom sketch shows that I still could not help myself and tried to insert trouble into it, but in the end I kept it rather simple, which was probably for the best since I would not want to upset someone so dangerous.
I also deemed depicting reiki being done with a rake, as it is pronounced as if it is, as too obvious.
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PurpleSpace sez:
Someone came to us several years ago wanting to turn her arts and crafts barn into a commercial reiki and commercial arts and crafts barn. It was okay for her to give private sessions of reiki, but turning it into a commercial business meant she would have had to increase the size of her current septic system to handle the code required number of people a building that size would handle. She eventually stopped responding to our phone calls after I presume she saw the cost of putting in a commercial septic system and it was more than she desired to spend.
Anyway, I always thought it was annoying to have someone’s hands hover around you, usually followed with “I’m not touching you, does this annoy you?” The answer is yes, it unreasonably annoys me and makes me desire to throw pinecones at people.
Frimpinheap sez:
It was done to me once and I was not of a mindset to let it work, I suppose, since the benefit comes from within, if it comes.
And it is one thing to offer reiki and such as free supplements to hospital stays, but trying to make a business out of applying it strikes me as amoral. At that point you either need to add one of those “for entertainment purposes only” type disclaimers from the Psychic Friends Network, or guarantee results, and subsequently lie to customers who get no results, that results are coming or that the customer did something wrong to void the contract.
Frimpinheap sez:
And when I tried to post that comment normally, my own website told me it was not allowed! I had to post an empty comment and edit it afterward, with my magic administrative power. I wonder why. There are NO banned words at the moment, and I should not be restricted by them anyway!
Anonymous sez:
>holistic treatments for hospital patients
mr. turtle seems happy to be dying
Frimpinheap sez:
Turtles often have very little to live for.