September 4, 2007
More dumb comics.
This may seem to drag on, but I personally deem it preferable to squeezing a novel’s worth of dialogue on to one page. In fact, it may still be too crowded. Bah.
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An evil donkey sez:
Considering that there’s no dialogue at all in over 40% of the panels, and in the remaining panels, only one character says anything intelligible, you must be aiming for a very minimalistic writing style indeed. What’s more, it matches well enough the style and pacing of sort of banter one might engage in on a moderately extended foot-journey; without it, I doubt we’d have quite the same sense of distance being covered.
I think, however, that the lack of coloring is particularly unfortunate in this strip, especially with the introduction of the cityscape. However, considering the increased length of each individual page, I suppose this would probably extend the interval between comics to several years.
Eeplivopu sez:
One can also zoom in and out a lot. However, that requires a knowledge of the surrounding terrain plus an ability to draw it or a willingness to ruthlessly retcon at a later date should less sparse environs be decided to have always existed. Other persons prefer to skip it all and say “after a short, uneventful journey.” Even “after a few days’ journey” is common, which always depresses me, because it becomes clear that the story is much less interesting for whoever is in it. I don’t think I’ve reached the “five years later” level of emptiness yet.
As for the colors, the extra time spent trying to distinguish creatures from backgrounds in the colors’ absence may be comparable to the time required to add the colors. We’ll see about that. In October. Potentially.
What’s important is that I enjoy opportunities to pretend this is important.