Wednesday: I forgot this was here again.
Hey ham, this here is the first part of the First Beet of the Year the flash cartoon. It’s better than my other two flashy attempts but I suspect the more I say about it the less impressive it will seem.
I didn’t make one of those “loading” timers because I forgot to and I’m tired of this thing, and most people have broadband internet these days, I’m told, anyhow. If you don’t, I suppose you should wait a minute or so after pressing the link it before starting it.
In four years I haven’t been able to improve the singing too much, sadly. Everyone in the cast should be fired. And then I realized that they were all me and that I’d still need one around to upload the thing, and if I could fire them that would mean they were employed and I’d probably need to pay them.
The reference to “” may seem totally unnecessary, given that I’m there now posting this and that there is not another similar thing at this location which an interested party could look up, but you know what, you’re no fun. I long ago had delusions of viral supremacy, for which such identifiers would be helpful, but now I’m merely so old that think I might forget my own email address.
I can’t even make the link work, since, to its credit I suppose, the most recent Adope Flash players don’t allow url links in the things unless the user specifically allows them.
However, it informs user of this in such a sinister way that anyone would think I’d embedded plague in the bimpy thing somehow and I don’t need people thinking I did that any more than they themselves require plague. Also, clicking on “settings,” rather than opening up an actual “settings” menu, just sent me, ever the curious traveler, to the adobe website, which had even more broken flash junk on it that I would need to personally tell noscript, a totally different thing, not to block. And then I’d have to restart my internet machine, find the stupid video again, and then press the link in it again, which I can’t imagine a single person doing. Even less than I can imagine somebody clicking on it the first time. Boy, howdy.
How are you today?
Spiyda Boi's PR officer sez:
It’s here?
Hejmrink sez:
I believe you are mistaken, Mr. Pr.
I’ve seen those, I guess “Chaos Wars” clips around before. Where ARE those people? How many of them are there? There’s no way of knowing. If anyone doesn’t talk you’ll never know they’re “there.” They just float around in nonspecific places, fading in and out of apparent existence as the situation requires, talking and pausing while their next talking loads, forever. Will people really watch that stuff for ten consecutive minutes with no context or actual gameplay footage? Is that the extent of the actual game? Is it even a game at all? I make that assumption based on the visuals, but I’ve seen duller stuff get viewed in excess on the internet. That is the nature of chaos, I suppose. It has declared war on us. No wonder that poor, albeit stylish eyebrow-raising monster is in such agony.
Ifihadjo sez:
Nooooooooo! Oh why must you remind me of my folly!?! I am incapable of growing beets. As such I must face the fact that chard is my lot and so beet it.
Hejmrink sez:
Ew! I will not associate with a plebeian chardfarmer! Get lost! Beet it! We’ve got the beet (and you don’t)!
Ifihadjo sez:
Curses! Foiled (aka Beeten) Again!!!!
Hejmrink sez:
I always get to the root of the problem!
Hayabusa brother sez:
Being a blogger is like being in charge of your own personal insane asylum.
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