Page 5 of part 3 of this.
This sometimes seems like a series of related vaudeville routines more than a story. This was initially a more antagonistic exchange, and although elpse’s recusement on the previous page was meant to show that elpse anticipates one just like those the antagonistic exchanges it had earler, I decided I did not want to be as repetitious as I had already hinted I was about to be. I may have written that out BEFORE I drew elpse’s first argument, in 2008ish, and I may have subconsciously plundered those remarks for other arguments. I remember scribbling it in a notebook my FIRST time in college. I did not know what lope had done at the hospital but I knew getting back into its apartment would be troublesome. Anyway this way is less “funny” but considerably more lopey, which I think is funny, but some people mistake it for sincerity, and pity the creature, and that may have gotten me some print sales at my previous art exhibitions, so perhaps this way is best.
The backgrounds are getting vaguer. I think I can solve my problem with losing patience with my base sketch before it is done and my boring environments at the same time. Going abstract will be easier and will make the settings seem less mundane, I hope. I AM alarmed, however, by how much this lobby inadvertently reminds me of a sega master system game.
To put that comment in perspective, I like them so little that I never use the emulator and thus do not even remember how to get it to start the real game for me to take a screenshot from it, and had to take one of the demo, indicated by the score of 0. In actuality I have several more points than that.
Snow today. I am already tired of it.
The local television news stations try way too hard to seem upset when there is not snow on Christmas. The anchors really heckle the weather dorks, as if they have some control over it, as if this control would be worth employing in this way in this instance. It is fabricated nonsense nostalgia! They are probably ordered to act like Christmas snow is crucial to their happiness. But they smile so consistently that I question if they even know what happiness is. They could stand to not smile, for their own health.
These days many people have to work on christmas, more than before, and they have to drive all over the place. And people who aren’t at work still have societal stigma forcing them to make long distance visits. Less snow is less hassle and less danger. It is cold and miserable. It looks nice for a few minutes, then it turns brown, and LINGERS for weeks. We do not need snow, and there usually isn’t any, anyway! Consider that most of the American traditions originate in northern Europe, where snow is more common, assuming there ever is none. I am in Connecticut, the northeast, and we rarely get much snow by that point. But half the country never gets any. We need to re-evaluate this. Meanwhile we get more snow than we need in january and february, then more in march, and these days in April too. Our climate suits a white christmas less so than a “white presidents’ day,” and seems to be shifting toward a white mother’s day. My mother is as white as I am but not everyone’s is, so we should not discriminate.
These entries are still too elaborate for one a day. That is no good. I need to work on putting less work into them.
Another art exhibition done. I never told you about it nor the one before it in the same place because neither was interesting enough to devote a large, weekly update to. But it is just useless enough a tid-bit for a brief, daily update!
My current art show is playing at a storage unit in Westbrook Connecticut. I hope not to see you there, because that would be a considerable security breach.
I never liked the idea of a “blog.” Being the ugly contraction of web log, I dislike the idea talking even when there is nothing to say, just for the obsessive-compulsive sake of being able to say you said something every day. Supposedly it helps maintain interest in viewers. That is how so many bad comic strips thrive. That is ridiculous. I would never say something every day if I had nothing to say. And I would not do it today. Not any sooner than I would draw something if I had nothing to draw, right?
Do not live by someone else’s rules for no reason. You just waste everyone’s time, including your own, when you could be doing something great. Do not expect daily posts here!