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Questionable artwork and pedantic miscellany
October 13, 2024
After each stage you can see one of two cut scenes depending on the sex Ranma is when he beats the stage.

as usual I must warn you that clicking on this will lead to a bigger version on which the text may be legible.

back in august I mentioned a “documentation/abuse forum.” some time after that I posted a comic strip without an explanation. It was MOSTLY inspired by the same thing as this one, then I built the rest around my frustration with that. I wanted to stop thinking about it but I still did and then this one came about, which is more direct, though still possibly hard to understand. I cannot explain it concisely, either. Even trying to explain why I can’t explain it concisely isn’t concise, so maybe I will try again later. Or ideally I will forget about it this time.

October 6, 2024
flip flop they were doing the bop

I suspect i used that “title” line already but if I did it was before 2006 and who cares if I don’t?

flopping lerd. compare to

the old version from 2003 that I only drew quickly from the front and never gave further thought to.

for as big a time destroyer as this was, i rather like some of the results, including the facing away angle (the lower right sequence here), which i almost never like. Its arms seem to diminish at the end since wide “corpses” never work very well, especially ones that spin as you move around them.
hopefully the hardest step of this deceptively difficult to draw monster is concluded with these. obviously I will still touch it up at length after separating it into separate pieces for each angle and will probably have to separate the bodies from the tails again, and an additional frame between the first and second ones may need to be created, but unless I have forgotten something, which I quite well have, this is the hardest part of the most complicated legacy monster redraw sequence concluded. I still have yet to redraw any of the “spof” monster because I never definitively concluded what it should look like rather than nemitz, but its own defeat merely involves it falling over sideways. its gruesome “explode” destruction is more complicated but i spared myself from multi-angling any monster explode or melt animations so far, so my obsessive compulsion will likely not force me to think I have to start then, if I even think that monster is necessary.
it occurred to me that dopes, meant to be the primary figures, do not have any non-melt, non-explode decimations, nor do fopes or yiths, and I do not at present think they need any. Why did I think this thing did?
also I seem not to have designated a website entry about the fope melting or apparently anything do to with fope but it does melt.


September 28, 2024
Seven splendid striped space snakes spelunking in Spain searching for spaghetti.

I prefer to leave the fake title lines on their own but guess what, snakes! that’s a dumb place to look for spaghetti!

but here is another one of those annoying snake comic strips that you have to click on to make legible and that have nothing to do with the better comic strip that I have not worked on since June

I have noticed that when somebody wants to buy a drawing, they do it. When they ask IF i sell drawings, they never buy, and it is never people I hear from ordinarily, who are actually looking at the art I am posting, because the ones who ask this aren’t actually following the art. If they were paying attention they would have also already have seen the hundreds of links I place leading to my commission information. They don’t want what I am offering, and I am unclear why they ask. I cannot prove but I believe there is a perception that I will be so overjoyed just to have this notion brought up, that I will do whatever nonsense they ask and cheap. When my basic information makes clear that I will not, the instigators disappear. Back when I let other people make the rules, it never got me anywhere. And I am still nowhere but it is a less uncomfortable nowhere.

I recall February 2012 (or rather I repaste text from my previous 2023 recollection of this story, several details of which I had already forgotten since then), when I was waiting for a bus, drawing in a sketchbook, and a man saw me, offered to pay me $10 or $15 to draw him and his wife on a large sheet of paper. I had to +friend him in facebook to get references, which seemed odd. The job was not quite my forte but bearable. However, then I had to walk across VERY windy New Haven without the thing getting damaged to meet the guy in at least two other spots whose locations he gave me, poorly, over the phone while I was walking. He had expected me to also give him some sort of bag to carry the thing in, which he only told me at the end. Then he tried to just pay me $10. He stated “I said I’d pay you $10 OR $15.” I protested and got the 15. But it was so windy, midway through my 20ish minute return walk home I lost a glove while blowing my nose, and the pair probably cost $30.
Later on the fellow sent a text message telling of the “brownie points” he received for his gift. Neither of us heard from the other again. I still have the remaining glove, though. I think I also have voicemail messages from the person amidst the task but they are probably unremarkable. And I only re-remembered that after I already made the comic strip but cheaters, short-changers scumbags, they don’t change much, so it is better to refer to ones who are less likely to see these things and think “is that about me?” Because my issue is with the people only pretending to pay attention in order to enrich themselves.

perfect example: this dork who has some automated function “favorite” any picture I upload a few a minutes after it goes up even though he doesn’t actually browse the site. And I know he doesn’t because I sent a direct message a week ago asking if he does this, and he hasn’t seen this message yet but still somehow “favorite”d THIS comic strip inspired by people like him that I uploaded today. In fact I postponed putting it here because I thought of this dork and wanted to see if he would do it again. And he did because he doesn’t care that he cheats. People like this think they are entitled to give fake support to try and trick others into giving them real support. No advantage is too small, no cheat is too petty. They “fake it ’til [they] make it” and then continue faking it because their entire psychology is fake, just like everyone they idolize is a wealthy, soulless cheater, which is why people like trump are viable presidential candidates, and we get low quality alternatives. Or just a few people on stupid art sites are lazy boneheads.

September 21, 2024
Eggerland Episode 0: Quest of Rara

I recently noticed these in my house, my niece must have picked them up somewhere.

I was surprised someone finally made official Don Medusa merchandise! I see they included Skull as well. The Leeper looks a bit iffy, though.

the problem is that even an accurate leeper risks being resembled by nemitz
and the problem with nemitz, apart from the usual, is that mit is violating the 8×8 pixel tile system. Even awkwardly bunched up this is 19×36 pixels. That would require at least 15 tiles, BEFORE any animation or extra angles! Hey creature, you aren’t owed that many and the graphics bank cannot spare them for you! Not to mention this game’s lack of a red-yellow-black palette. No object in Adventures of Lolo uses those colors and they will not be set aside JUST for nemitz! Arrrgh typical decadent irregular mitz.

September 14, 2024
Watch to see Hawk, Lioness, Shark, King and Axel save the City from the evil Augustus Paine with their adventure skills and wise cracking humor.

hey look lerd pain frames. it does not feel like much of an update to me but i am not the one experiencing pain from five angles forever. i might plausibly add the other three angles but for once i will see if it is necessary first. Maybe this creature HAS suffered enough. Though I will definitely have to add its gold tail bracelets at some point. Maybe it is freaking out now because its bracelets have gone missing.
no that cannot be it; after I added the bracelets the creature looks equally as distressed as before. most troubling.

now the previous animation also has bracelets! This subject likewise seems not to have noticed.
AND I accidentally deleted one of the frames and didn’t save a copy and didn’t notice until now. It also isn’t the first time I accidentally deleted a frame off of this animation but last time I had a backup. This time curiously I have to use the accidental 3 frame version from last time as a backup since mercifully I accidentally deleted a different frame this time. unfortunately I spent more time fixing other stuff that was wrong with this than drawing the bracelets so I have to do most of that again as well but I have had worse. frippit

September 7, 2024
A seat bomb exploded at the Paramount Theater; one patron was struck on the shoe by bomb fragments but disclaimed injury.

you will definitely have to click this for the larger version if you want to read it, so please avoid doing that.

I am being informed now that the snake is fine.
You know the old saying, sticks and stones may break my bones but words will make me dwell at length and periodically explode comically, but I worry this might still worry my mother if she saw it.

I had hoped in september to get back to more productive projects this one keeps coming back

August 31, 2024
Yes, there IS a Kanga and Roo in this Robin Hood AU, expect for more disney characters residing in world!

busy week, almost forgot

i hear “go to disney” said casually regularly and it bothers me, much the same way as “google it” does. I don’t like brands replacing bits of language, even if in this case the brand has merely replaced a reference to its own branded attraction. it still means language got stupider through the actions of boring complacent people.

whenever I see or hear the phrase something about it seems nefarious, possibly due to early life exposure to the terrible but ubiquitous 198x “Ghostbusters” video game that commanded players “GO TO ZUUL” at some point, the whole while various ghosts have also been going to zuul and presumably strengthening it. I never actually knew how to play it or if not going to zuul in a timely fashion made a difference but I remember being worried about it when watching other people play it.

August 24, 2024
These communities seek to integrate aspects of the Furby experience into human society.

“the website” I kept referring to last week, furryfinity, –which I don’t like to mention by name on my own website but I am going to show pictures of other people naming it so I suspect clearing up what I am talking about may be useful– THIS week had its email addresses swiped and its domain redirected to its twitter account that had been fully compromised by some person posting alt right hogwash, arbitrary racism and illiterate meme kid garbage for a day or so while accusing others of being on the internet too much

it was called a “hack” but the dork didn’t have actual access to the site itself, just whatever could be gained by forcing through bad passwords on email accounts. Since the person hadn’t really hacked anything, eventually control was regained, and it was announced by the furryfinity owners (whose identity is yet uncertain because the previous owner is dead and no public staff list, much less line of succession, exists) like this:

Zero wing is an old corny reference but its usage indicates, even if inadvertently, that no obnoxious memester under the age of 30 is presently in command. I am sure those who criticized my illustration last week (there were a few, as usual from people I never would have heard from UNLESS I did something they didn’t like)) would point to this event and my continuing to use the website as proof that I should be more reverent of the administrators, whoever the heck they are, but really this shows how poorly they protect the website. They couldn’t get it back without waiting on the registrar. And doubtlessly neither could I in the same situation, but I am also not running a business through nor begging for other people to bail out my business, so I have less obligation to the people paying me and less of a target on me for idiots committing crimes unrelated to copyright infringement for fun.
THAT site had been compromised loads of times while the previous owner lived and it still happened now that he is dead. The core data wasn’t accessed but only because the “hacker” was an idiot more interested in trying to impress users of the Kiwi Farm weirdo documentation/abuse forum (who weren’t impressed) with what he put on the twitter account and promote crypto currency scams (that nobody bought into) than doing actual damage to “the furries.”

this announcement seems to indicate that Rob Schneider was responsible. Apart from the age-related notice I just mentioned.

Several morons, two of which I literally never heard of and who don’t watch my page, tried to hijack my joke with lower effort references to more contemporarily notorious actors, then one mega moron who posted a huge what looked like a south park screenshot who i muted just to get it off my update feed, like they think I’ll thank them, delete my post, and then post their version instead with a credit or something. I prefer schneider for this since I have a longstanding disdain for his career, even before he became a republican bullet point shill. If I went with anyone else it would have been Marlon Wayans since they were both in about as many bad movies as each other amidst the same period but he hasn’t been nearly as awful otherwise.

Schneider also specifically “starred” in The Animal about a man (him) who inadvertently takes on animalistic traits and I can theoretically imagine him resenting furries for not making it as big a winner as non-existent film critic david manning proclaimed it to be. The best thing this movie did was right this moment making me remember fondly a time when artificial journalists actually got credit.

fricken and look at this picture. He looks like he should be on a bag of Hot Fries at a crummy convenience store, not enormous cinema screens. He looks like he should be doing blood-thinner commercials with Arnold Palmer except they got Kevin Nealon for that and Arnold Palmer is dead anyway. He looks like a Rankin-Bass christmas special puppet after half a century in a non-temperature-controlled storage unit. He looks like half a Dom Deluise, mass and charisma-wise.

then a day and several hours later Rob Schneider endorsed Trump for president, because obviously that is what’s going to do it, so suddenly I was informed that

it reminds of some local eminently teasable kid who became notorious after he proclaimed “YOU may have the muscles but WE have the brains!” and possibly whoever was antagonizing him thought it was so funny that there was no need to continue. Trump’s support base HAS to be a cult if they are willing to start pretending Rob Schneider has ever done anything positive and that anyone criticizing Rob is now the enemy who must be irascibly taken down. Or at least this one twit is banking on it so he might get his very first retweet. It looks like he’s been trying a while:
I don’t even know what this MEANS since I absolutely avoided knowing anything about Elon McMusky McBean or who his personal foes are before he bought a website I used, and then I continued avoiding knowing until he started trying to force all users to see his tweets, and that wasn’t enough either so he had to change its name to a tic tac toe symbol, and that still wasn’t enough because that is just stupid and anti-everything. He has almost all the money in the world and is still as emotionally needy as this rabid incel tagging him on a [oddly network-tv-censored] poll that nobody voted in.

so I wear the world’s dorkiest, conformiest sweater to balance it out

August 17, 2024
The cross in Laruba’s Mansion must be found.

the apparent long time owner of one of the websites that I post drawings of became dead recently. immediately afterward word spread seeking to hold him up as a singular creator and savior of that website and by extension all furry-dom, even though mild investigation reveals he did not create the site, gave preferential treatment to zoophiliasts and [accused] rapists, and did not spend money particularly well. a fundraiser was quickly started ostensibly to pay off his medical bills and look after his mother but was largely concerned with covering the website’s substantial, and often suspicious expenses. it became more suspicious when a day after nearly doubling the requested amount of $75000, the fundraiser jumped to over $200,000. the person running the fundraisers was a former spouse of the deceased owner, known to have cheated on him with other parties and for starting numerous fundraisers to cover her own personal expenses. And then once this is paid, by community members, will they have communal ownership of the website? Probably not!

All this “evidence” of trickery is circumstantial but nonetheless it led to me creating this image. the site’s owner willfully used a character similar in appearance to the crucified one here as a self representation on the internet, and it even appears on the fundraiser page. curiously its official reference depicts it as muscular but the owner and especially his sycophants seemed ultimately to prefer the morbidly, ironically obsese version. The atrocious american medical system is frequently blamed for not prolonging the man’s life as it should have, but unfortnately his own habits, encouraged by those sycophants and possibly his own roommates, most certainly exacerbated the severity of those medical issues.

I didn’t personally know the person; I saw him from across a room once in 2012 and didn’t think I had any reason to try and get his attention. Prior to his demise I never observed anyone I knew have anything positive to say about him, though I probably haven’t dealt with any of them since 2012 either.

at first I used a generic central character, thinking it was in bad taste to use the dead mans’ real character, but the whole thing is in bad taste and the character itself isn’t real so I ought to commit to it.

If I had thought it through better I might have had the reptilian facing the other way, both so that the carpenter would be nailing in the correct direction and so an additional character could be shoving a hamburger into the reptilian’s mouth, though that might have needlessly confounded the issue. That seems like I’m saying “boy he SHORE was fat!” rather than “you fetishists encouraged this man to endanger his health just because you get off on it.” And that isn’t even necessarily fair since they got off on the character being fat, not the man himself. As far as I [want to] know.

I included loose depictions of the website’s official mascot and official unofficial mascot as if to blame the website itself rather than real people. Although sometimes I feel like nobody I read about in association with these things is real.

August 10, 2024
contemplate this on the tree of woe

to be used prior to or amidst the energy launching frames shown here. alas this might also require some bits to be separate objects since blatantly the sparky bits that trail off do so for more than four frames. but mercifully that isn’t a decision that is harder to implement if I wait to see how necessary it is.

also some relatively non-silly trees from a location that this monster probably is not to be found in. Although probably more because there are dopes about than because there isn’t water.

August 2, 2024
Provost points out that Timmy fell into abandoned mine shafts, off cliffs, into rivers, lakes and quicksand, but never fell into a well.[2]

you will likely need to click on this to get a legible version, so definitely avoid that

more of this is absolutely what everybody wanted.

it is not a complete waste since the seeing what complainers fixate on can help me to know what I am unclear about and what they absolutely will never accept any level of clarity on. Which still accomplishes nothing long term but it momentarily satisfies my curiosity, potentially. So it is probably only about 85% waste.

speaking of cults,

Why? Tom Cruise isn’t French and he definitely isn’t an olympic competitor. He is an actor who pretends to do amazing things but in actuality is the top spokesman for a billionaire cult that actively harms its own members and tries to destroy former ones who speak about it. I realize that describes all billionaire cults but the important thing is that Mr. Cruise represents one, not which,

July 28, 2024
If Ria is decapitated when killed, she will respawn without a head. Also if she is currently following the Dragonborn and they fast travel, upon arrival her head will fall off and her body continues to follow them.

this is not quite the game of thrones followup that I was expecting

July 24, 2024
In the shooter scenes, the player rides a pink friend as he makes his way through the scene.

just to be clear, I am not advocating for androids to hit people over the heads with wooden wile e coyote signs

one of the recurring complaints that I received about this was that the ridiculous things I made the character say were TOO ridiculous, since nobody actually said them and thus the argument is invalid. Consequently I produced an an alternate version.

Surprisingly this did not change anyone’s mind. I guarantee you any public figure consistently photographed wearing a cowboy hat believes one or all of these, and Trump himself either does also or doesn’t care if he enables and empowers someone who does.

the second could be better, but it was foremost a work of spite and that was supposed to be obvious from the low effort level, though still substantially more effort than the meme gifs with which people who had nothing to say tried to argue against it. The third frame refers to a number of killings that were justified after the fact by claiming that the people shot had mental illness, were on drugs or were criminals and thus are better off dead, the best known of which is the Kyle Rittenhouse matter. But I actually forgive him because he was 17 years old at the time and was plainly trusting in very bad people. He shot one person who attacked him BECAUSE HE HAD A GUN. After that occurred, two more attacked him, one with a skateboard, and they also got shot to death. The third had his own smaller gun, which also had no business being there. Was HE planning to shoot someone BEFORE he saw someone with a bigger gun? Impossible to know. So it is a complicated issue, but the PERCEPTION of this is that Kyle bravely fought for freedom and gunned down a mob of pedophiles, which isn’t what happened and isn’t what ever will happen outside of Deadpool 2 (which I didn’t particularly enjoy but that is unrelated), and they let their belief in this absurdity flavor their view of the world, which doesn’t help ANYONE. Leftists (as I have been called for posting comic strips like this) don’t help by presenting the House of the Ritten as a deliberately acting white supremacist T800 either, but as unfortunate as that is it stops short of endorsing more gun violence.

stupid arguments led to the creation of a THIRD strip but since it actually has new drawings I should probably try and pass that off as next week’s update instead of forcing it into this one. I am also tired after foolishly responding to no less than thirteen comments from the same guy who seems to have only seen that troublesome third frame, even after I discovered that he spent several WEEKS, maybe years, arguing that She-Ra looked too much like a man in some dumb cartoon.

The people who want to argue with me about this literally having nothing better to do or aspire to do. I ought to at least act like I do.

July 18, 2024
In the winter of 1963, Mr. Clean played a police officer “Grimefighter” who arrested dirt problems.

whewish! It sure is good to know that no police were injured when they casually executed someone for being homeless, owning a knife and acknowledging their presence while pope fascist, o he of the bandaged ear, was in town.

people have been threatened, banned from websites and terminated from their jobs already for making light of the trump shooting, largely by self-described advocates of “free speech” who openly endorse the murder of immigrants, and probably homeless people also, if not through bullets than through public policy that deliberately harms them. It is socially acceptable to joke about Trump dying but it has to be from natural circumstances like choking on a pretzel or getting shot accidentally by the vice president while hunting for tiny little birds.

I personally favor him getting hit in the head by an errant golf ball or suffering an allergic reaction to the peanut butter he gets rolled in every morning. It is very hard to blame that on “The Left” except as a description of a relative point in space and frame Trump’s receipt in a heroic light. That won’t kill the willfully stupid movement that he appropriated into his political viability but no one in his sycophant army has successfully made such a lifestyle out of overtly avoiding accountability. Some of have tried, and a bunch of them were eventually sent to prison or placed under court orders. People are willing to believe that God personally intervened and stopped Trump from getting killed. They wouldn’t believe that about friggin Giuliani. For “his” part God apparently didn’t care if innocent audience members got killed or injured, nor was willing to suggest to the assailant to NOT buy a gun, climb on a roof and fire into a crowded venue, or maybe even just transform the gun into pudding. Believing in divine intervention, this or any time, only makes sense if you believe that God is an erratic spiteful jerk, which admittedly is consistent with scripture, but if that is the case God doesn’t care about your devotion either and will gladly throw a tornado at you just because he came in under budget this quarter and needed to spend the surplus to avoid cuts.

an alternative suggestion: God exists, and he’s American. And blue and naked.

and we all know how that turns out. Thankfully HBO’s newer management doesn’t like cartoons and will not be making a television series following up on this.

I thought I was done but the creepy oddly-shaded weird-eyed trump picture kept reminding me of someone and I couldn’t quite determine who. I now think it might be the character Colossus from Goblins 3 who manages to knock himself out by sneezing so hard he hits his head on what I always in the past interpreted to be his boots but I think now is meant to be the metallic control-box beside his hammock. I made this terrible gif out of screenshots I took 14 years ago, presumably knowing I would eventually find a weird public event to display them in the context of. I presume Colossus survives but if Trump sneezed so hard that he passed out repeatedly that might prevent him from issuing regressive policies. Much has been made of the vengeance Trump has vowed to issue in a second term, but he also said he would “drain the swamp” and get Mexico to pay for the wall meant to block itself in, and neither of those happened. Really, nobody knows what he will do. He doesn’t even know. Maybe he will build a wall around the swamp.

July 11, 2024
I go “Whoa!” Homer goes “D’oh!” Now you can’t go to the boat show

captain dope deserves only your scorn and derision! it is NOT a real captain!

unless if by “married” you mean “infuriatingly smiled at for an indefinite period” captain dope has no power, much less authority to assist you.

exclusively for the purpose of annoying me, nemitz replaced the bottom of this boat with a screen door and then rowed unwelcomely toward me while smiling.
as to HOW nemitz replaced the bottom of that boat with a screen door, which surely should be beyond mitz capabilities, I know not, but I do know that were it a useful thing to do nemitz could not have done it. when nemitz is around stupid things just HAPPEN.
including captain dope. I had hoped to never see captain dope ever again. Perhaps there is still time not to.

just two days ago i noticed the furnace in the basement here said “granby” on it, which reminded me that nemitz once said “eestgranby” and that I even called mit out on the deed.
the very idea, the absolute audacity, for it to even be plausible that nemitz would DARE declare “eestgranby” in my presence is itself unforgivable.
potentially but not necessarily forgivable, me attempting to integrate leaf shadows for the first time ever across the front of snikpel (angry creature at fore of boat) several minutes before posting this.

why would you name your steel tank company after a nemitz quote unless you were producing military grade tanks because you wanted to remind yourself to shoot nemitz with them?

Nobody I know has a website anymore

Mr. Sr. Mxy
Gilhodes (bah you need a facebook account to see)
video game music database
pacific novelty
Green Lantern Head Trauma

i warned you about this
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    Augtember 2003
    Junly 2003
    Maypril 2003
    Febrarch 2003
    Octnovdecjan 20023
    Junulgustember 2002
    Maypril 2002
    This never happened

    old webpages
    Mall Meh...ness
    I do not approve.
    irrational complaining about my television set
    Dennises are dead to me
    This page is not about shoes.
    I hate shoes.
    something award related
    Those Green Eyes again
    More valid but unfunny Disney criticism
    Biggest Loser
    Mall Blandness
    2004 advertisement complaint world championship
    Mall Egadness
    Las Vegas
    Spiderman 2
    Jope and Dopes
    These Green Eyes
    Game Over
    Mall orneryness
    Movies I'm not going to see
    Back fashion school to
    Movies Make Me Mad. Moreso.
    Official pizza of Nascar
    Michael Jackson
    Free Speech
    Film Critics. I hate them.
    Coconuts. I hate those as well.
    Independence Day
    Some time in July 2001
    other things
    Awards this website hasn't won
    The first First Beet segment
    Embarrassing pictures 1
    Embarrassing pictures 2
    The same
    Umiliphus (my old derivative megamen sprite comic
    11/24/04, (I can only justify this by calling it an experiment, so I shall)
    Poetry Page
    The same