Bright pink and yellow cupcakes lend an air of class and dignity to any place of vote-doing.
Ehh, I’ll pass. Isn’t this the same way they got Ted Stevens? I know better than that. Nice try, lizard. And by nice I mean horrible. I own a magic dictionary.
The background is to distract you from how boring/lamentable the subject matter is. Ordinarily in a situation like this there would be a land mine about to be stepped on, a rogue incoming boomerang or something of that nature, but times are tough. And the tougher they are for me, the easier they are for loathsome lopes. I will have to settle for a fashion disaster.
But they got some problems there in Alaska, too, you betcha, by gum, by cracky.
From everyone’s favorite canid data depository, hunted by the British and so All American by default, Fox News:
“I’m confident someone from the campaign will release a statement saying what I think about this.” even in stories about other people Palin’s a goof. But this kind of thing is stupid anyhow, but not in a way that makes her look smart because she probably doesn’t realize it’s stupid: why is hinting that someone should quit a job different than “calling for” it? People are always calling for resignations, like it’s pizza or a singing telegram, and now they call for someone else to call for resignation. I hate the word “resignation” here, as if it’s a simple choice. Ooh, I just felt like resigning. No! You did something extra bad and additionally won the “possibly get held accountable” lottery and now even the creeps who liked you have to act like they don’t! There should be a different word for when somebody gets tired of a job and when somebody is essentially fired from one. Get to work on that. You may not use my magic dictionary.
With all this emphasis on mavericks I can’t help wishing Obama had selected Megaman X as his running mate. The problem, of course, is that polls in several key swing states suggested discomfort among white voters regarding Megaman’s connections to his brother Malcolm.
A popular question, with all the reason to exist as “boxers or briefs”: what candidate would you rather have “a beer” with? Do I wanna get my inebriation on with my old bowling partner Barry Ob and Joey B or the local pariah, son of the town drunk Johnny Mick and Sally P? I personally would prefer a president who does not drink beer at all. Even if our current master no longer does so, you can bet he’d be worse if he still did.
What I just realized last week, is whoever wins this election –my hesitation to call this for Obama days in advance is consistent with my unwillingness to respond to “see you tomorrow” with anything stronger than “you just might.”– I will likely continue seeing for another four years. Of course I knew that, but I didn’t really know that, no. If I’ve had enough schlub man thin lady romantic reefer revellin’ comedies, I’ve had enough of this lot and comedic impressions of them constantly. Also, now I understand, with that long awaited V for Vendetta sequel, W, that we have the technology to make feature film length impression exhibitions while the oafs are still in office. It’s rather worrying.
Doesn’t he look worried? I bet he’s calling the suicide hotline. Or maybe he’s just calling for my resignation after such a stupid joke. Fortunately, the only way to reach me is by radio and he has repeatedly denied knowing the frequency. In fact, my resignation is requested with great frequency (one of the best), so one more won’t besmirch my bucket. Board the windows and bust out the Cracklin’ Oat Bran (“More please”), bimshwel is here to stay.
On the subject, with all the marijuany media these days, it will not be too long before, rather than beer, we start getting asked who we’d rather share a joint with. And then we would elect the other one. The pot president isn’t getting much done. Unless…
Ah, well you didn’t say that before. Note that I apparently find it more hypothetically plausible that America accepts a toketastic layabout candidate before it allows one from a third party.
And I say to you that they have no idea what a thing they’re missing.
I will provide a more helpful photogram when the job is done and I figure how to take one.
Despite my wimpily soliciting suggestions in search of anything but this, and then spending several hours crafting a totally different base picture (which I actually forgot about until I re-read that linked page in which I claim to have produced such a thing), I ended up painting the dumb ice cream truck anyway. Although by now I’ve widened the deal so much that I think the pumpkin picture would have fit, and if I’d gone with that I’d surely be done by now. I am not done.
It may even have been the case, in May, that someone said to me pumpkins were too evocative of Halloween, but ice cream was very appropriate for summer. So anyway they want me to finish the mural by Halloween. But I am not worried about that.
Now to the reason why I asked you here today: I am still unable to expel from my mental lump the thought that the above section will be interpreted not as a joke about tacky marketing but simply latent racism, or even me thinking that’s supposed to be Snoopy D Dogg because he was the one associated with that “drizzle” speak back in the good old days of 2006, and I know he doesn’t look like that. For one thing, his skin isn’t blue, and I actually drew him once and he looked more like this.
Also, in search of this picture to scan I even came across a similar y’all in connection with a decidedly white person.
The paper is also whiter.
But in the context of a wall that just anybody can look at without my personal endless attention, it seems worth being concerned about. I would be interested in knowing if there are members of any persecuted non-white minorities who read this page and additionally on a scale from 1 to done how racist they think that is.
If questioned, I could easily defend it by pointing out that the guy in the ad is getting paid for his prestige rather than having to drive an ice cream truck in winter. Also, everyone ELSE in the scene is a subhuman degenerate. But I do not expect to be questioned. People probably know better by now.
If I change the message “ice crizzeam yall” I wonder what to. I’m trying to think of some stupid cone related pun because a great one came to me in a dream which I promptly forgot upon waking. I think it was something like “How cone you resist?” or “conesider the possibilities” except ideally more horrible so for horrible to be the unmistakable intention. Another option would be to attempt to make that resemble Snoopo and change yall to yizall but then I risk having to hate myself. Adding elf ears seems to most extreme change I can make at this point.
The Friendly’s restaurant chain once had an ice cream mascot named “Scoopy” which might have worked here, but I can’t remember a single detail pertaining to its appearance. It actually makes me think of the hero from Crystalis because I inexplicably named him “Scoopy” once. At any rate, if I can’t remember it’s likely no one else would, either.
If you happen to both look at the journal and the comments, know that I had nothing to do with this here. I let people get away with all sorts of things they shouldn’t. The mystery response was comprised entirely of characters which turn into question marks when I paste them here. However, the magical babbling fish converts them, when ordered to do so from “Russian to English” into this helpful message:
Aside from the semi colon with right parenthesot, that hardly seems worth being suspended over, does it?
And if you’ve never seen the transfestunerix journal before, you’re probably better off for that. It primarily exists so I can leave regrettable commentary on the more operational journals of others, at least one of whom I suspect has gone into hiding as a result of it.
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Edit! Mr. Crizzeam now wears a classy beret. The problem is solved. We thank you for your patience.
Did you know the emmy awards were a few days ago? I didn’t even know they were doing that this year. I, personally, only watch the Latin Emmies.
Addendah: Obviously, maybe, perhaps, I have off-internet bad issues at the moments which are affecting the whininess quotient of the words I type at people. Now that we’re aware of that you shouldn’t have to worry about them until I start getting specific. If I were hunting for pity, and I thought I could get it, I wouldn’t waste it on the stupid pine cone picture. I have disappointments I’m proud of slightly.
Have you ever made something and thought “gosh, this is boring. no one will like it.” and so then start adding things and thinking “yes!” “oh indeed!” “that is good!” “much more interesting!,” get to what seems to be the end and suddenly realize what you have created is utterly meritless and unappealing? Yes, all the time.
I may be allergic to success. In general, but specifically regarding this, it occurred to me that several of the people who admit to looking at my internet pictures have a special appreciation for drawings of scoundrel anthropomorph cartoon lizard folk. One part of my mind thinks “great, that’s easy, I can draw those, easily, and please people.” Another part resents how easy that is, sees it as giving in to something less than pure, and insists that I take action to make the picture “funny,” or, failing that, ugly. Or rather, the ugliness was supposed to be funny, but really it’s just ugly. Perhaps I think that if distinguishing intellectuals won’t like it, nobody else should be able to, either. With that sort of irrational discipline I ought to be able to excel in all sorts of miserable jobs, and yet I never have.
Note that this is not the “good” ugly. Where everybody has face-width mouths and round teeth and perfect elliptical bulging eye-balls with tiny pupils at the exact center and occasional boneless limbs and they always shout crude caps lock intentionally broken English and everything looks like it smells bad and I hate them a lot. I reckon people will have moved on from that in a few years but I will always know I hated it now.
I remember, in third grade, everybody thought I had tourette syndrome and they didn’t like me much.
If my understanding of the stereotypical implications of that diagnosis are correct, I think I wouldn’t have liked me either. There may be additional reasons not to like me. And that is before factoring in mass thumbnail-theft.
As for why I removed the pineapple, it was not, in fact, because it specifically reminded me of the time, years ago, that I saw this image and it shorted out my brain.
No, silly. I just have a good mind for business.
The fundamentals of our economy are strong. At least as they apply to naked sumo blacksmiths.
If it was the former reason, that, along with my other findings, might mean that perhaps my second biggest obstacle toward achieving personal, stupid picture fulfillment after my own inadequacy is letting the World’s Largest art website influence me in any way at all and if I know what’s good for me I’ll stay the gack away from it. Blaming it for my failures will accomplish nothing but temporarily quelling my immortal hunger to blame things. And it is not as if I submit my digital rights for management by the itunes myspace idol alliance whenever I want melodic noise to hear. It’s not as if that one time I mistakenly thought I needed itunes for something it worked more than once after each time I reinstalled it. It’s not like I’m confident I’ve finally removed every hidden bit of sinistry itunes also installed in addition to itself but forgot to take with it when it left.
Ehhh, I’d hate to get to a point where I stop finding anything inherently amusing about pineapples entirely out of misplaced spite for the lack of second language comedy expertise of someone named after Skifree who is one of the precious few users of an internet increasingly dominated by impulsive, vulgar children who keeps me, at twenty five years of months, from being regarded as “old.”
More colored pictures than previously. Possibly you’ve seen these all before, and I still intend to discuss with myself certain items in more detail at a later date. So excyoooooooose me!
———————————– (small horizontal lines)
I think I hurt many people. I do not want to hurt people anymore. Perhaps I can hurt fictional non-people instead.
Begawn! No, seriously, get out of here. I’ll show you what this makes me think of.
And it draws a sneer from me!
When I see you coming, I can either hit you or run away. Which would you prefer? My only items are bludgeoning instruments. It seems too late to offend you into not showing up by spelling your name incorrectly. You’d probably forgive me anyway.
It is not good to see me! Not for you! I insult you always!
How do you know? How are you telling me? Why are you telling me? Do you think I can help you? I had nothing to do with this! Do you think I would help you?
That was a quick recovery. I bet you don’t even remember that you used to be a potato. So happy, so fast. And how could you NOT see that branch? Blinded by muffingluttony.
And what’s that trying to enter my sight on the right?
ARRRRRRRGHNot allowed! Someone follow that thing! When it lands, confiscate its wings and bow tie. I’m not dealing with this today.
But ugh, that lizard. Maybe if it grew some teeth it could eat something besides muffins.
Don’t tell me that! I don’t need your advice! I bet that awful Life Water ad was your idea. I’ve noticed you also have a tendency to appear in front of empty white void anti-backgrounds. That stupid gargoyle thing next to you probably has better ideas, and all they do is squat on buildings all day. You’re looking especially badly drawn right just now. Oh wow, you’re so enthusiastic about your cupcake statement. I just noticed it ends in an exclamation point. It’s really not that important!
I’ve been naming your shortcomings all day, and you just noticed that? Even unreferenced frogs look down on you, and you’re taller! Stupid naked beast. Don’t just stand around and pout about it! Wear clothing if not doing so bothers you so much. And it’d better be real clothing, and not just boots or a scarf or a stupid bow tie.
That’s it. I’m going. No one deserves this.
Aw naw, not again. What could that lizard, “lope,” eater of muffins, possibly have to smile about?
It looks dumb, people hate it, people abuse it, it can’t walk without stomping, it can’t dress properly, it says things like “muffinty three!” (I have not personally experienced the last item, but for some reason I imagine this would happen), and its ridiculous neck brings no benefit at all. That lizard lives the instruction manual for misery.
Oh, and apparently it randomly turns into a mouse. That’s… that’s really… I have to go.
It has been suggested to me that the creature at the right is a dragon. I think that is simply not possible, as it has also been suggested to me, although not by the same people, that dragons are great, or at least kind of good at a few things*, which this personoid is not. You might as well call an aphid a cockaroach or a nanosella fungi a deinacrida heteracantha. Why would you do that?
*Obviously, this does not extend to appearing in feature films. Dragon movies are always bad news. Likely because the only people who would make dragon movies are themselves bad news. Probably people like this dumb lizard here.
You there, you’re supposed to be the ultimate all powerful beast and you just stand there and take that? Pathetic! You can’t even protest this occurrence, because your moping mouth is the thing getting bomped. How dare you shame my page with your presence twice over!
Obviously, this is not a “finished” picture. The finished one should have a fish in it somewhere. I have been too busy not finishing other things to tend to this.
That, the previous thing, I only mentioned it because I felt I had to. I didn’t, really, but eh I did. A proper dissertation on that website’s garbagityness would surely have taken few days for me to get out and wouldn’t have been all that entertaining. Not that what I ultimately said was, but in this alternate case the intent wouldn’t even have been there. Intent is important, so you don’t get cold at night. I do this to amuse myself, after all.
Only on the internet does a name like “detroit is crap” pass for innocuous.
No! Don’t turn to face me! Didn’t you hear the abuse I just directed at you? I want nothing to do with you! Arrrgh! What’s wrong with you? You look like an idiot! (you are.) And don’t smile! You’re biologically unfit to do so!
Ubggggggigiggg…. There’s no excuse for that beast. None at all. How do these things find me?! I want to throw a sock full of rocks at that thing! I want to throw TV’s Roc Charles S. Dutton, at it! You hear me, lizard? I’ll throw a very special Roc at you! In front of a live studio audience! I wish that show got better ratings so I could shame you in front of as many people as possible, not necessarily because it would have lasted more seasons then, because I always found it boring. I learned about racism through Family Matters. But I didn’t learn enough, evidently, because I thought the family on Roc were essentially the same people, and I was disappointed when they weren’t as wacky. I was eight years old. But anyway. What’s important is that I want to throw a large fat man at that thilly thmiling theropod up thither.
Whaaaa? That’s too stupid! And don’t you dare try and make that my problem! I hate ducks and I hated you before you were a duck! I hope this will at least serve as a warning to other dumb animal people that would attempt to address me. I will have none of it.
Fool, how could you not see that coming? Look at the original juxtaposition of the images! You are beside yourself with imbecility! And… and… I drew you at 2:50 am! That’s not afternoon at all! If it was, it would not be good! You made it bad!