I had a dream of seeing famous French singer/cartoon character “Carlos” directing some sort of production with a local musician– initially I understood to be someone who resembled MC Hammer and came up to me in the street earlier but later Carlos’ possibly fictional daughter called me on the telephone and said it was actually her– in a restroom of a Paris metro station, and wondering later if i should go back to get video proof. I assumed the dream implausible since Carlos got dead in 2008, before I took video regularly or went to France,
but apparently I was misinformed. You might think it is referring to someone named Carlo but it is in fact a real band made up of real bearded people that [au] pays [de] homage to Carlos and just doesn’t understand how ownership apostrophes work because French doesn’t use those and I guess they want this title to catch the attention of non-french speakers who have heard of Carlos and are curious about developments in his life (after or otherwise), all me of them.
with my curiosity fulfilled I don’t actually need to hear any of their performances. I may even have had a performance of Jope and Some dopes at the same venue and charged as much money. Also don’t read the page at that link. It is from 2004 and I have probably not read it since posting it but it looks complicated. It it just to indicate that I was briefly involved with a local performing arts event of dubious merit and effectiveness.
The clouds are on heroin now. It certainly explains all the erratic and extreme weather. lately. I am surprised I haven’t heard anybody talking about this.
what i HAVE observed people talking about (or one person quote-tweeting a quote-tweet about):
I see why the Central Intelligence Agency cancelled this: “listen kids you THINK bin Laden is a bold patriot leading the fight for justice from his cave, but he’s actually on the front lines flying across the desert, controlling matter with his mind and fighting off multiple white infidels at once with a double laser sword”
Although the text in the apparent source, this 2014 article, indicates the toys were meant to be part of good will packages. Based on the minimal context year-old twitter post I thought the figures would have been given out separate from anything else, in order to make their intent less clear. It does not to me seem sensible for US allies, cronies or conscripts to be appearing sympathetic to bin Laden up front because that potentially undermines their message; the toy might never actually be played with or it could be lost or the larger package it was contained within could be stolen before it reveals its true nature, quite apart from if the MEANING of the transformation comes across in the intended fashion. Just giving out the toys at all risks sending the message: Osama bin-Laden is a well meaning merry fellow! Bright blue his jacket is, and his boots are yellow. Don’t believe what we told you about him up to this point!
And then assuming the toy does go to a child who does witness the paint fall off, that kid then needs to deduce “OH i get it now, the people who gave us this DON’T actually like Osama bin-Laden. Well consider me convinced! I don’t like him either now. I will be sure to pass this along when a local warlord kidnaps my mother and tapes a bomb to my father’s chest.”
I suppose this story is funnier the less context you have.
I also saw another old twittor post last week that explained how to view articles on sites like washington post’s without creating an account, which would actually be practical information to have and I didn’t bother to take note of where that was nor of the specific instructions. Listen I can’t keep up with everything. I need to focus on what’s important like one year old posts on a broken social media platform about nine year old news stories about twenty-year old weird stuff that the CIA ultimately decided against doing.
and also teaching vaguely dog-rodent people how to jump
I don’t know how much to attribute to the original script, the unofficial translation or the artwork, but Scenario 3 of Shining Force III is rife with incel energy
To clarify, this game and Shining the Holy Ark use the word “innovator” to refer to a person who has special powers granted by otherworldly “spirit”s, the portrait artist(s) seemed to favor half-closed eyes and the unofficial translation was done by nerds still playing a dorky old sega saturn game 20 years after it came out.
And I wish I could have been one of those nerds, to a degree, it but I just never had time to, and worried I would be overwhelmed by the apparent complexity of it relative to earlier games in the series, so I eventually gave up on the idea of me doing it any time soon and just watched videos of other people playing it (while I attempted art-work) to satisfy my curiosity about it as best I might.
But now I realize it fundamentally does not change a whole lot from its predecessors. But still by very nature of being a cd console game coming out in the wake of Final Fantasy 7 everything takes longer to load and longer to show. I regret missing out on the one time my ancient habit of leveling up EVERY hero regardless of apparent inferiority would actually matter, but really it doesn’t matter very hard; one battle in each of the first two “scenario”s requires that you send a backup group apart from your main force of 12 to a different location.
also the pictures with the pink-nosed weirdo are blurrier because the less-blurry shots are from play-throughs by people who changed the names of the primary heroes Synbios, Medion and Julian. If the pictures were from me playing the game I would also have changed the hero names but I wouldn’t change them to normal people names like internet dorks generally do. Synbios at least is a goofy enough name that it looks like something I would come up with.
And i NEEDED several different people’s videos. The game has an immense quantity of dialog, video people seem to skip most of it, but the blurry person put up videos exclusively of dialog. Another video person played it properly and efficiently but skipped a great amount of optional material and had an annoying habit of talking over the video about stuff that hadn’t happened yet, while a yet different player didn’t talk and accomplished all tasks but didn’t necessarily play fair either, so I wanted additional perspective on encounters that seemed too easy. And I still screwed that up because I didn’t want to see really important battles done easily first, but then the guy who played properly would still find some excuse to give away needless plot details. But I didn’t want to mute the audio either because sometimes he said interesting things, and I also didn’t THINK of that until late in the process. oh oh ohhhhhhh! what a cruel life.
2022 in pictures.
this really isn’t necessary since I already made a video and most pictures that would be rightly eligible for this entry tended to be bunched into a single entry in a single month. The video also was not necessary and so i am doing this anyway.
that just about dumbs it up.
I can’t tell if this decoration is meant to be ironic or is just ugly. I am however definitely concerned that I plausibly believe people might decorate their homes ironically.
I instinctively read “doing” here like a sound effect that rhymes with “boing”
yes, like that. Wells Fargo, the bank of almost an evil wrestling clown.
Are you having a tough time financially? HAW HAW CAPITALISM GOTCHA!
I recently determined that “Hazbin Hotel,” mentioned occasionally by a few people on twitter whom I have mild awareness of but don’t understand, is not the same thing as Habbo Hotel, a terrible casual game best known by me for at one time being repeatedly disrupted by gangs of “ironic” racists who I assume spend their their free time making christmas decorations now.
not a bean: despite this new found clarity I still don’t know what it IS, only what it isn’t.
whatever you say, wolf man
Matlock looks disgusted that I get to watch his show for free. Gunsmoke looks like he is daring me to refer to him as if “Gunsmoke” is his name, or possibly is hurt that I already did.
I encountered an old nemesis while walking outside a few nights ago.
I want to ask how Norm intends to give Connecticut residents equal access to the Rush Jet but I assume his staff don’t deserve to put up with that.
I am grateful to have gotten to spend time with New Haven Connecticut’s historic first electric toilet this weekend
the entire bimshwel family is saddened to hear of the death of Queenie McBear. We remain inspired to learn lessons about individuality and friendship by your purple stretch pants and pierced ears. Would that we all could own a bicycle with as many speeds as yours.
I worked on a few cheap commission drawings this week. “commission drawings” being pictures that other people paid me money to produce.
this is not one of them
I am still not impressed but I am content to use more civilized text entry to say so. I need not reduce myself to this imbecile’s level.
I will however unfortunately need to widen this picture if I want to put it on instagram. I do not want to do that. This moron does not deserve more space.
an addendumb: I did widen the picture. it was still not wide enough to not have the upper and lowest edges obliterated by the instagram machine, but i decided it deserved to have harm come to it, even if the affected portions of the image were relatively innocent.
1-6-2022 ehhhhhhhdit:
I was not thinking clearly and labeled the month of June “June Balboni” as a placeholder name until I thought of something better to call it, and then neglected to think of such a thing. from first through third grade I shared a class with another student named John Balboni and years later found that he was in contact with my younger brother for some reason, and apparently subconsciously I thought his name was funny. I cannot say for certain if that is the case, only that I treated it as if it was on this occasion.
2021 in pictures
aprils of wrath
maybe mays can also be of wrath
june balboni
jul regret writing weird month names
august i should stop
sep tempting me
oct foncer
captain novolinber
decline of month gag name culture
a helpful person from my web host asmallorange was able to, as far as I can tell, alleviate the total breakdown afflicting the “art” gallery website subsection. It will probably break again if whatever broke it this time happens again, and it well might since I still don’t know what broke it this time, but for the MOMENT it is unbroken. a different person with a different approach took on my comment form issues:
That is certainly different! I looked around, the only file that seemed to have been altered was “php.ini,” which I had not noticed there previously, but inside it was only
fix errors by hiding anything that has an error in it, ungenious! I should have suggested that when I had my car brakes checked the day before.
Admippedly the brake check and pad(s) replacement cost me more than the web hosting does in four years and the car people weren’t able/going to fix another problem in the catalytic converter without doubling the price and implementation time it was originally expected to be.
from that perspective my not getting the assistance I required from this source makes sense. Thus I would prefer the support person to have said “it isn’t my job to fix your code even if it isn’t your fault your code broke,” rather than “magic! all better! happy now.” I would still complain but it would be a more evolved complaint. I am an idiot about php but that doesn’t mean I am simply an idiot. Whatever does mean that is much more complicated to hide.
und so today I “fixed” the comment form by replacing the troublsome “ereg” with the somehow less objectionable “preg_match”… I found another person’s webpage indicating that I should do this weeks ago, but it includes so much extraneous information that I figured there was more to it than I could grasp and didn’t mess with it until I had checked on the possibility of undoing whatever caused this mess. Unfortunately this present comment form doesn’t alternate the colors on each comment anymore. Or did I never get the color alternating to work to begin with? Or that stopped working at some other point? I can’t remember. Whatever I have now at least is better than the default comment form and heaps better than having an obnoxious error there, and yes it is even better than there simply being nothing at all because the error got hided.
why am I able to see this?
This isn’t wholesome, this is loathsome. I hate any company trying to turn a profit by selling cutesy pandemic-complacent garbage. To be fair almost everything on the wholesome memes page is cutesy and or complacent but I think this one is excessive. Even the specific wording “the smile beyond your mask” puts me off. What kind of weak-willed subjugated dork would buy this?
eh it’s no one I admit to knowing.
ALSO the most recent comment gidget on the sidebar is still broken and the actual comment display is still ugly. I expect they will be for a while!
9-10-2021 yeoiks the artwork posting sub-website is even totally broken. What HAPPENED here?
9-5-2021 3isham oaf now the comments aren’t working? I don’t expect them but I happened to glance down there on another entry that already had some and nothing but errors there. what a dumb few weeks!
9-5-2021 329am the comments work now but they are in the ugly default style since I had to copy code out of the “default” theme that updated itself during the overall wordpress “update” that I didn’t want but thought would fix the site when it was broken, which it didn’t even do! hopefully I can work out the syntax of whatever “ereg” got replaced with since that suddenly being “deprecated” is what broke the comments form and have slightly-less-ugly comment boxes again but I am tired and have other things to do! and I just noticed another broken thing in the side-bar. beets
this is one of the more eerily fake-looking “photographs” I have encountered. Have you ever seen water which looks like this? The blue is as if somebody dumped a load of toilet bowl cleaner pods upstream. This looks like an amateur colored pencil drawing or a video scene from a playstation game. This looks like the ghost of deceased water.
i tried turning it grayscale and and the substance still looked like glowing crest toothpaste more than water, particularly on the left. which makes me more inclined to believe this picture initially had no water in it, rather than more naturally colored water. and yet where it makes contact with standing water on the lower right looks real. the web page it came from only identifies it as “free stock photo” without any context of where it might have been taken or what was done to it.
the links at the side of the page indicate that for a fee you too can try to put water where it doesn’t belong and color it unnaturally. I don’t know why you would, what satisfaction you would get from making an ugly fake scene from elements of real ones, but other people are already doing it and likewise looking to charge for access.
even the blatantly blue-dyed water at one of the numerous inexplicably pirate-themed miniature golf courses I saw in Queensbury, New York didn’t look that queentoony.
this PHOTOGRAPH is terrible; I may have taken it from across the street or behind a fence. it was the same day as this borage. I didn’t use this photograph in fact because the result wasn’t as cartoony in the picture as it was in person. Stock photography vendors clearly see this as a pressing problem.
AND I was looking up pictures of water tumbling down mountains because to make a long story spork i couldn’t solve my computer problem with what I ordered and waited for, so have ordered and need to wait for something else. Consequently I am still using the backup computer, and consequentlier STILL haven’t finished that rygar picture, of which a tiny, almost irrelevant part of the drawing features just the category of scenery that I was speaking of, and consequentliest I wanted references for it.
for really no good reason I thought I should try and incorporate less-cartoon-looking scenery even though every figure amidst the scenery is exactly as cartoonesque as in the dumb nintendo game. ultimately it comes down to I never developed an instinct for what corners of realism can be cut and still have a corny fake drawing represent the real version. this applies especially heavily to blue-colored water which always looks bad and fake to me except where it naturally occurs.
Notice how the recent changes don’t improve the image but does make the characters present that are more important yet that I have not gotten around to checking on now look worse than before compared to the increase in background detail.
I thought I wasn’t doing justice to THIS. Even though the whole reason I like Rygar imagery is because of the specific weird, often stupid look it has. Why shouldn’t I interpret it literally? The answer to that doesn’t matter since I already didn’t and am more likely to spend another day working around a bad decision than revert it.
some bad decisions I have spent decades working around.
I am TIRED of DUMB LIZARDS stOMPING all over the place doing TERRIBLE DANCES and shoving their STUPID FEET into my business thinking that they are talented and welcome.
They aren’t!
AND that stupid box highlighting where the feet are is quite stupid enough without the zoomed in shot of it. Who do these reprobatiles think they are? I am fortunate I haven’t ever had to deal with-
urf thursrday, friday now? yes yes i have something coming, uesh.
this has never happened ONE TIME in the history of cordial police traffic stops. I also question whether cordial police traffic stops ever occurred.
how dare you ask this question!
you fool! they CAN’T!
it is true, i asked this on my own and therefore am calling myself a fool. i cannot expect everything I do to make sense to you!
as dopey as this ad is I prefer it to the other one I wrote about in my previous life or the one I wrote a few years afterward while evidently neglecting to notice and or care that it was the same product. because in the early 1990s ads were still hokey and corny and didn’t mind if viewers laughed at them.
i could not easily find video copies of the ads i took camera pictures of and crummy mp3 recordings of, but this one has the sport oafs at the end of it, evidently in another dimension from the main ad,
in which some dork loses a sword fight because his hair is the wrong color! and the hair wasn’t even visible until he took off the sword fight mask! and THEN after he changes his hair color enough that he gets better at sword fighting his opponent turns out to be wuh-wuh-ZOWIE! itsuh LADY!
a lady with perfectly brushed hair despite having it crammed into a fencing outfit and perfectly made up, sweatless skin despite being in a real sword fight and not a contrived television advertisement. Her hair isn’t even grey and she STILL couldn’t beat a REAL man in a fair fight! Or MAYBE she WANTED to lose *wink hink chortlebleem*. This ad is simultaneously blatantly unrealistic, even beyond the “this is an older guy” ad yet it is much more smug and bro-y about how fake it is.
I do not have a pertinent conclusion ready but here is King Richard from the 1938 Robin Hood film (which features slightly better sword fighting) wearing a real belt as he simultaneously wears an oddly-angled fake version of the same belt which is patterned into his clothing.