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Questionable artwork and pedantic miscellany
May 11, 2023
Your robot becomes increasingly depressed when he kills wildlife, and this can eventually cost you a life, so make sure you jump or duck around them.

a creature previously identified as zipe or eemp that i want to be able to jump, like the fyip now can, but also jump kick despite those requiring different animations because i am never efficient where it counts.

i like the idea of fyips flopping over if they try and jump down from too high a point. obviously i haven’t made any frames for that yet! but zipes being glop-formed (similar to dopes) simply splotch on the ground slightly. i have not planned nearly well enough to have their glop characteristics matter more deeply than that.
also now seeing these against this dark background I realize how inconsistently colored they are, a likely consequence of the regular jump frames being totally new while the kicking frames I initially drew in 2019 before I introduced shadow colors and simply altered this week. Of course the jump pose uses a walk frame as a base, BUT both the walk and kick attack were based on 2003/4 era sprites, with the kicking motion made after I amended the game palette to have two extra dark browns, which I guess carried over into the remade sprites to some degree even though those were all made with the same number of browns available, so in fact they didn’t match before either, but it wasn’t as glaring as this since the shadows weren’t colored then. Does that make sense? It shouldn’t. I will need to see which looks less out of place once I implement the new set of motions. The creature being colored isn’t nearly as tough as it thinks it is whatever the case.

today is this website’s twenty first or twenty second anniversary. I do not talk about my birth-day but i mention its. However I named myself “bimshwel” after it and retroactively renamed it to just be this/the/that website so I owe it at least this courtesy. It will continue to be malnourished on update quality.

March 31, 2023
Ja Rule opens the remix by screaming “What’s my motherfucking name?”, to which Lopez responds “R-U-L-E”. However, these lyrics resulted in common confusion among listeners, with many having heard “Are you Ellie?” instead.[12][13]

for the first time in united states of america history a president, former or otherwise, has been criminally indicted. but I want to talk about something more important.

not the most imaginative vegetation but the movement makes a difference compared to the old versions.

I also tried to make their scales relative to each other more consistent, but I did not succeed! These are full size and the gifs are between 20% and 25% of full size.
I should see about adding stripes to something since the spots may get tiresome. I have the power to make the spots glow in darkness by making an overlay for each frame with only brightness values, which I already did for the eyes on one of the imps, though I am wary of doing too much of that after all the slowdown I have already had from sprite over-laying.
the colors seem at first a tad flat relative to the old versions that I made with whatever colors I felt like, but the solution to that is more directly within my grasp without additional images needing to be loaded than brightness is.

I still CAN use whatever colors I want, but I desire to keep animated objects within the 256 color game palette so that the file sizes would be lower than true color images, since these are quite larger than before, over 1000×1000 pixels per frame, on average, and there are quite a number of frames! But I am able to alter how the palette is accessed.
The game itself runs in true color mode; the palette is a vestige of the regular 1993 doom engine that gzdoom (what I am using) is built upon, but can still have graphics mapped to it, which allows them to be REMAPPED to colors which are NOT in the palette. Ha ha! I have probably mentioned this before but suspect that I explained it poorlier than this.

Unfortunately this program, called Slade, has a strange malfunction in its palette recoloring manager –apart from its frustratingly small window sections that ordinarily can’t be resized and the few that can will rapidly revert to their default size– that will copy the first gradient color on to the second one if a graphic that the palette change is applied to already exists within a set of definitions that I view within this editor. And it may not be apparent here but I have swapped seven sets of colors so far, two gradients for every set of 16 colors, because a single gradient across that many looks worse than the regular palette. And so I must immediately remove the data for that palette change from the file and put it into a different one that will never be opened in this editor ever again. and if I didn’t get the colors correct –which I can’t really be sure of until I see it within the game– I have to manually text-edit the color numbers to tweak them. HOWEVER up until maybe two weeks ago I also created them by text-entering the numbers so this tedious inconvenience is still an improvement. Even with the bug it lets me establish which palette indexes are being replaced rather fast.

so I only need to figure out HALF of this!

March 23, 2023
“A Fox Jumped Up” has a bouncy hodown fiddle, though there is no credit given for any fiddler.

these things can now jump in places where normal monsters would stop and turn around. once in a while they even get somewhere.

for whatever reason in the south-west-facing angle I had the left arm lower, but every other angle had it up, but it was west and north-west that looked out of place, so I “corrected” them to match southwest even though that one is wrong. the jump looks too ostentatious with the arm in the air. it looked like the creature should be making that pihGAA grunt that Kyle Katarn in Dark Forces does when he jumps. It was making me laugh.
but maybe that is good and i should switch them back.

they also have marginally improved pain frames, since part of alleviating the repeatedly cited “lag” associated with this creature is exporting its sprites as single pieces rather than layered fragments that can be reused for different versions of itself (but that ultimately create a load problem since the game struggles more with volume than mass, essentially), so rather than have them wiggle around independently I have no choice but to animate them properly. however their “death” frames and all frames for the shorter pointy-noised “fyop” are still layered like before so those are not in here, though they tried to be. And then I spent too much of yesterday trying to make a better looking test area to show the sprites in, and I ended up filling it with so much useless doohickery that the video capture still gave me problems. Also the test area is still ugly.
in any event now I can do more important things

or I can start redrawing and adding needless animation to old pieces of scenery that nobody will notice because they hang from ceilings and aren’t interactive or important. ah, a life well-spent.

January 25, 2023
In the 2021 series, generic Smurf Girls are made up of existing character assets. In particular, all of them use Begonia’s character design, though the lily flower is removed.

an eccentric imp melts, in 2023 and 2004. I do like the stripes on the 2004 version of this animation, but I also repeatedly didn’t notice that I forgot stripes, which happened with the same sort of stripes on elpse back when I first started coloring in the comic strip pages. if I would have the patience to draw stripes on all the other sprites of this thing. is also uncertain.

The old version also simply has purple hands and feet rather than wearing purple gloves over them as, for now, the new one does. Surprisingly, it is easier to draw those melt since the form does not need to be consistent between frames. Since I didn’t draw this from eight angles, however, switching the gloves to hands shouldn’t be as big a deal as some previous not big a deals ended up being.
That trick I was so proud of on the linked page, to put all the angles in one image, made the game too slow, trying to load them all at the same time, so I had to re-insert them all separately anyway. I might have mentioned that before, but I immediately forget what I saw after saying them. That is part of the point of saying things, for me, to get them out so I stop thinking about them and can think about other things. But that does not prevent me from beginning to think about them again in the future! At best I can send them to the back of the queue.

January 1, 2023
Thousands of years in the future, Blaster Prime is the first Blaster Agent and the only person in the galaxy who knows math.

a video of pictures I made last year set to some suspicious music.
I hope you hate pine cones, since three or four of these pictures don’t have one.

It took a ridiculous amount of time to make this considering that it is 95% comprised of stuff I had already made. My trashter plan to display gzdoom-engine material from within the gzdoom engine rather than as gifs of the source material did not help like I thought it would. I opposed gifs since while I design the graphics grouped, I have to separate them to put them into the game, and I refine them after separation, so I didn’t want the less-refined versions. and some pieces, like the launched yeep parts mentioned (but not yet drawn and so not shown) previously, were separate to begin with. howEVER, since I draw the stuff at ten times the 1993 game’s resolution, and my computer is less than top-of-the line, those graphics need to be reloaded each time the game is started, and then I am having it load extra graphics and generate extra objects on top of that, IN ADDITION to me running video capture software, which means loading all that tomfoolery in an extra window while simultaneously saving a copy of it all, the game can’t help but choke up for a few moments when stuff is exploding. and SO I spent an extra day, two days? trying to reduce that, just a few seconds of the dumb video. And I already spent an extra day drawing all those dumb letters and setting up the circumstances under which they appear and explode. originally they were to use the same explosion frames as the launched yeep globs, hence my using the same colors, but those explosions looked too uniform, unless those were themselves launching more globs, but more globs meant more lag. and SO i drew EXTRA explosions for the letters I and O that would prevent them from needing to launch globs.

but that still means loading extra graphics so it doesn’t reduce THAT much lag. I also had the letters L and F turn into I and G into O as they explode, and that still wasn’t enough! For the yeep section near the end, I had all the pertinent graphics pre-load before I started recording, but that wasn’t an option with the letters because they FALL FROM THE CEILING as soon as the level starts. I COULD have preloaded all the graphics if I had thought to suspend the letters on disappearing floors or had them teleport into the room, but I was too busy to be thinking! I also forgot to set the level to change the colors to something other than orange, so that the aftermush looks less like a nickelodeon logo family reunion but if I had, I would probably still today be trying to optimize or fix it in some way and I am glad to not be doing that.

I can’t even show this picture without needing to explain it. the level editor shows a 2003 dope rather than a 2018 dope because it assumes the player character uses PLAY-named sprites, but the newer dopes have DOPE-named sprites, and I simply never took out the old sprites. the weird background is irrelevant; it is the first graphic in the definition file, since for some arcane reason that graphic shows up invisible in the game, but not in the editor. I needed it invisible so that the background shows through it. there are other hacky ways to make the ground and walls invisible but everything I do is already hacky so I preferred something that worked consistently.
these are off-center relative to the player character’s viewpoint because they seemed to my own viewpoint to be showing up offcenter when I placed them IN the center. However by the time I made the video that seemed to no longer be the case but I was too tired from the endless re-records hoping for less lag and more interesting random splat locations, then inserting that into the video, cropping out the wrong takes, then moving it to the front, then dumping it all that since I wanted to go back and change something else in the setup and then need to re-record again, that I left the positions alone.

“AASCREBO” will go to the top of most lists. It is not necessary for the list to be alphabetical, but I was trying to amuse myself. Regular Doom2 calls it

which I dislike seeing in the list, and regular regular Doom calls it

which I hate even more, and not just because the base-2 display system means you aren’t actually ALLOWED to make 24-length wall textures! Even if that worked it wouldn’t work! screbo is stupid garbage that nemitz says, and I had already changed the poison logo to feature nemitz, so it fits. I placed it over the pile of skulls that is shown by default after coloring them purple. I don’t want any of the base game’s graphics in this, even edited ones, and nemitz endorsements of rubbish are anachronistic within this project’s complex chronology of being set before nemitz, but as noted previously these don’t actually show up! but even THESE are a problem since floor graphics are backwards on the ceiling. If I want to control invisible objects that it is possible to move beneath, I risk seeing not only a backwards S but a backwards nemitz inside the level editor’s 3d view mode. What could be worse than that? I probably won’t find out until I try to make next year’s video.

and after all that, I today realized: the ORDER of the primary content is terrible. It starts on a snake comic strip that nobody cared about and then ends on generic wall textures that nobody SHOULD care about. I should have started and ended on stuff with meaning. I too more concerned with irrelevant nonsense to consider the marginally more relevant nonsense. There is probably an important life lesson there but I am too concerned with complaining to process it right now.

December 6, 2022
When Ridley’s health has been reduced to zero, he will try to grab Samus, and if he does, he will explode, but if he does not, then he might decide to explode without grabbing Samus

a yeep floats in five directions

a yeep has a problem in five directions

a yeep explodes in five directions

its tentacloids and eyeballs disappear because they launch as separate objects that are not necessarily coherent in gif form. the body dissolves since i want to have an all-directional mass of glop appear in its place, since non-moving, irregular objects can look really awkward with extra angles. Which I know because several monsters larger than this one DO have multi-directional bodies when punished and can look quite awkward. And I will likely leave them like that, but I can be cautious about creating more like them. sometimes
this latest yeep differs from past yeeps in that it lacks a darker colored midsection. I tried to sort out what that was and how it worked and could not, and so now it is not there at all. Much like several components of this website, except for once I took out something I didn’t understand on purpose.

the old exploding yeep did not need to launch the tentacloids since it only exploded from one direction and did not need its body to dissolve and be replaced. In trying to solve one problem I continue to create one or more others. And I yet do not know how i will sort out the tentacloids. The present single one in the south-east angle may not be viable since it does not take into account the possibility of the yeep exploding while off the ground. ALthough the old yeep didn’t actually finishing exploding after being beaten and launch its eyeballs until it landed, so perhaps this way IS viable. i think overall whatever result i get this time will be superior to what I had.

the old exploding yeep is actually not nearly as old as its other sprites; I drew the explosion in 2017. prior to then its body only had a single dissolve frame and i considered the pink blobs launched from it to be sufficient. I actually changed that because it looked really depressing if the sprites were browsed outside of the game, or pog forbid if somebody warped to level 30 and tried to force the original doom 2 monster roll call to appear, where none of this stuff looks right, that one would look especially not right.
NOW if somebody tries that the game will show sprites too big for the screen, or just show the regular game’s monsters, or crash completely, so REALLY I can get away with doing LESS for the yeep now instead of more. But I seem unable to do less unless it truly matters that I don’t.

November 9, 2022
he is also able to be turned into pudding as seen in “Justice Ducks Unite”.

as always, it needs more refining, but is far along enough now that I was able to remove the sketch and tracing paper layers for this part which allows me to get more control over the rest of the layers since flash has an appropriately outdated interface on which losing track of numerous layers is quite easy. The next section does not involve these two dorks sharing space with each other and more importantly doesn’t have them both in front of and behind any detailed scenery that I need to break into pieces and across yet more layers so ideally that will require 3 and a half months instead of 4 to get through.

I recorded, hopefully, better voices a few weeks ago but have not had the proper mood to go into the music editing program recently to attempt to implement that or check its adequacy for implementation. I may also have said that weeks ago. I no longer have the energy to verify what I said when since I use so many stupid websites now. I try to keep this one as the most special but it tends to get the scraps, unfortunately, though these days my scraps are often more dignified than my finished pieces.

September 17, 2022
Although the main character picks carrots, the carrot counter in the lower part of the screen is represented by a mushroom.

thankfully the purplish idiot is significantly easier to animate than the yellow one. I didn’t bother yet to include it in the previous similar updates but since it invades the yellow one’s personal space it is necessary to detail it to some degree and this just looked bad with only those parts filled in.
as before, this audio will likely be replaced. the small thing ended up having sillier, more pathetic movements here and later than I initially “planned,” since I hardly plan anything at all, and a meeplier voice may be in order.

now I need to prepare for the “art show” in october. relative to past years, I learned this week that I will supposedly only have 8 by 8 feet and far fewer neighbors, no opportunity to set up the space prior to the exhibition date, if I am even permitted to preview the space in advance, if I am even permitted to know where it is, and so my preferred tactic of overwhelming with quantity, to distract from my general lack of completed, appealing, cohesive or marketable work will not be possible. I had been rushing (if two weeks to draw six seconds qualifies as rushing) to improve the scrappy beet cartoon with the perhaps irrational expectation that I would be able to exhibit it like previously, which would have been extra important since I won’t have a new comic book, and I shall have neither. So I must determine what both can be had and what would be beneficial to have.
addendoy: I obviously have not done much casual thinking about measurements lately; 8 feet is actually twice as long as I was imagining it was, and 8×8 is comparable to what I had in 2019, though setting up, exhibiting, and setting down in one session is still an inconceivable effort unless I scale back my expectations.

September 1, 2022
Fruit Ninja: Puss in Boots, a Puss in Boots-themed Fruit Ninja video game

following from that, here is a bit more visual progress. This isn’t pretty but it looks much better than it did, and I think better than the six seconds before it presently do.

August 12, 2022
You’ve upgraded to the Quick Beetle! It flies faster than the Hook Beetle. Watch where you’re flying, speedy!

yes that is all it is. and it took me a week! Or possibly more than that. When did I update this last?

corresponding with the part at this location

it needs more work but it has also taken more work since I have a terrible habit of increasing how much work something I have done before takes. Incorporating a chair piece that the creature’s left arm goes both in front of and behind necessitates a surprising amount of that. In the second beet video, the hand stays behind the chair arm, even when it shouldn’t, and if anyone noticed, I apparently didn’t, until I checked on it this week or last week.

the flash animation program not allowing me to change the cursor to an “eyedropper” tool with the alt key nor of lifting colors off of inactive layers is also a problem.

i only today thought to make a palette-only layer that doesn’t intersect with anything else and is always active. I hope i remember that in the future.

with regard to use of those colors, should the whiskers be orange? and out-lineless? Uncertain. I drew the first frame like that as a placeholder, then wondered if they needed outlines or to match the skin.

the voice needs to be re-recorded also, plainly. oh so much to do. I thought I might have the voice redone tomorrow, but I am concerned I would find a way to make that also take a week.

June 3, 2022
Yook released his debut solo album, Yook O’Clock, on March 2, 2020.

the hat and the “gun” get launched as separate objects that land vertically and so I can give my self to excuse to only draw them from one side. This gif is actually from april, but I neflected to mark that post as “motional” when I went looking at first and just assumed it wasn’t here, but it is. Anyway I have by now inserted all the sprite pieces from this one into the “game” and know that so far they work.

this one is from today. Evidently I exported these gifs in a different manner, but I assure you inside the “game” they match. Or at least the non-falling versions I already put in match each other so far. This shows the alternate version of the upper imp because i decided they shouldn’t fall down the same way, even though that defeats a large swarth of the point of having this be an alternate version of the same thing rather than a totally new creature. but hopefully this is the last animation I do of this setup from multiple angles. Just too gosh darn many parts. Even something as simple as providing the sweatshirt? as an alternate for the scarf means I need to be conscious of what small area is covered by the scarf that suddenly isn’t covered and might need to be filled in long after I thought I was done. And then even more gets uncovered when I try to export the separate parts as separate parts, which I then feel compelled to correct, even if there is no need to correct it since it will never be seen by anyone else, since *I* will still see it. oh bo fo. I thought it would go quickly since this fall doesn’t turn and I wasn’t making alternate legs or heads for it, this whole fall sequence being an alternate. Though knowing me I still might. Though I often think I will do things that I won’t, as I rarely know me as well as I assume I do.

I don’t show the other hat or the scarf in the second gif since the scarf and the shirt use the same palette range and would possibly have layer priority conflicts so that one might be behind the other inconsistently, and both hats occupy the same coordinates, at least in aseprite. after I export all the parts and import them into the gzdoom data heap, I can put as many hats as I want into any part of any sprite. Why would I want more than one? Why would I ask infinite numbers of hypothetical questions? I don’t know me, so I can’t tell you.

Hm hm hm this is the first time I compared the two fall types and suddenly realize that I will in fact need to make an alternate gun landing mode since despite both being vertical, the second is “facing” up rather than down. whupth. Guns really never stop causing problems.

the first three frames can also be played repeatedly to make the creature appear confused or amidst a very stupid dance. some other monsters can already be knocked over temporarily if hit a certain way, maybe this can be an equivalent situation. Or just a stupid dance.

May 13, 2022
Like most enemies in Yeti’s Cave, it frequently inflicts the Imp status using its special attack Friendmaker.

a vaguely sketch-like commission for a human called gingle of a frustrating imp called elpse

I was requested to have it mirror the pose of this this similarly insufferable imbecile called nemitz from 2015, and so it does.
also this website’s twentieth birthday was two days ago. That is not important. What is important is that it has existed for more than half my life. My life is not important if all i have to show for it is a website which also is not! However I also have elpse and nemitz, lope and dopes. Consequently my life is an unforgivable travesty.

April 29, 2022
Laverne and Shirley (along with Squealy, The Fonz and Mr. Cool) board a boat to obtain photographic proof of a two-headed swamp monster.

time-lapsed trashterpiece of indecision.

i presume this feature was not made with my sort of thing in mind since it can space the video to 15 seconds, 30 seconds, 60 seconds and “all,” which in my case comes out to

18 minutes and 4 seconds, and it is more like when I no longer felt capable of continuing than “finished.”

I cheated this video to some degree since I went and made yet more changes after exporting the first 60 second lapsoid, then exported a second lapsoid, rather than replacing the first (though the second was replaced numerous times), so it has an additional twelve seconds of changes, but at an even faster speed since the second video still contains the entire contents of the first lapsoid, just condensed even further, and then I set those twelve seconds to play after the first sixty seconds. then I had to adjust the length of the music, formerly almost exactly one minute long, to fit that, and from the sound of things I perhaps should not have, because you can’t just add a few seconds to an existing composition and have it sound like it belongs there unless it is proportional to the length of music that is already there or make it seem like it is going to be and then fade it out, and I hate fadeouts, so I did something else that is awkward and perhaps similar to what happened with the drawing itself after the first 60 seconds. Doing all of that, then explaining that I did all of that isn’t important except to emphasize that I am seriously mentally ill. And that isn’t even important to do since you already knew that. But I am no dope. Dopes thrive on what is wrong with them. I do not thrive on what is wrong with dopes, I merely attempt to present it honestly.

March 16, 2022
why waste time with talk when we have talons?

a marginally less than complete and half-sized robision animation for a person known only as nafradorf fumblewip, in which a strange imp poses on some blue orb creatures that are strange in a different way, because that is what I have to show this week.
It may need to slowly crawl through all 42 frames before it will play at a reasonable speed. That is your chance to check for blemishes and mistakes that I missed!

February 15, 2022
In closeups, a separate puppet with no legs was used.[31]

this idiot again. still not done, even with these frames, with additional motions yet to be started on, but I am no longer concerned that the object being carried is too boring or looks too much like I think it looks like a gun. A trumpet plunger with bells or hershey kisses hanging off the back is indeed preferable, yes.

I presume the fired-out bits will be similar to the old version, but I think that every time and change my mind after I already started trying to keep it like the old version.

An earlier attempt that is less like a plunger but I was concerned it might instead be compared to a body part popularized in a famous Kurt Vonnegut illustration.

holding a frosting tube

like I drew in cholesteronslaught (except too small and not riding a pie) after making the very old sprites, but then forgot about until after I had already started on the new sprites. this looks alright for the moment but I would need to redraw the arms for every angle, rather than creating a stringy monstrosity that needs to be drawn around the arms and that unlike a tube has no real world counterpart so that I can never know if it really looks correct or doesn’t and may spend an indefinite period trying to bring to that point.

armless (and yet toeless) variant, wearing something more like what the less violent, tattooed version of this creature had on in my december 2006 website header, and as is typical i didn’t bother to consult what that was since I was surprised to see that I included such a classy flower all those years ago when I finally got around to checking, and I only checked so I could have the correct link to it.

the first head variant. i thought i could include a leg variant also, that makes the creature slightly shorter. Neither really works! If you look closely, I mean. Most people never look at anything closely, but I cannot help doing so. I can try and fudge their positions in the sprite assembler but if nothing else and I can’t ultimately recycle any parts inside the game it is a foundation for a separate idiot. what is the fun of giving two different foes the same weapon? because they aren’t meant to be different, they are meant to be of equalish rank but look different despite that.
The line weight looks different simply because my drawing tablet of 4.6 years told me last night that it was done so I did this up to now with a mouse again. I’m worried this might actually look better and I have made things worse by freaking out so much lately when the tablet increasingly refused to work without being done, so that I needed to stop and restart the whole system, wasting time and rage in the process, but for any other sort of drawing the non-rodenty way is preferable.

Nobody I know has a website anymore

Mr. Sr. Mxy
Gilhodes (bah you need a facebook account to see)
video game music database
pacific novelty
Green Lantern Head Trauma

i warned you about this
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    This never happened

    old webpages
    Mall Meh...ness
    I do not approve.
    irrational complaining about my television set
    Dennises are dead to me
    This page is not about shoes.
    I hate shoes.
    something award related
    Those Green Eyes again
    More valid but unfunny Disney criticism
    Biggest Loser
    Mall Blandness
    2004 advertisement complaint world championship
    Mall Egadness
    Las Vegas
    Spiderman 2
    Jope and Dopes
    These Green Eyes
    Game Over
    Mall orneryness
    Movies I'm not going to see
    Back fashion school to
    Movies Make Me Mad. Moreso.
    Official pizza of Nascar
    Michael Jackson
    Free Speech
    Film Critics. I hate them.
    Coconuts. I hate those as well.
    Independence Day
    Some time in July 2001
    other things
    Awards this website hasn't won
    The first First Beet segment
    Embarrassing pictures 1
    Embarrassing pictures 2
    The same
    Umiliphus (my old derivative megamen sprite comic
    11/24/04, (I can only justify this by calling it an experiment, so I shall)
    Poetry Page
    The same